Tactical Operations Briefing: TOD 1 Operation 11Capture Staff From CygnusTRN Kappa is the one carrying the tech team. To target it, press T four times at the start of the mission. After it has been identified, the rescue TRN will arrive. You need not concern yourself with it, as the mission takes care of itself and the rescue TRN is not in danger. The rest is just target practice. I suggest taking out the Gunship Mu first. To target it, press T ten more times after having identified Kappa TRN. Two linked missile shots (four missiles total) should finish it quickly, at a safe distance. The only active threats in the mission are T/F groups Theta and
Zeta. For maximum scores, take out the other TRNs that dock with
the freighters before they hyper out. All other targets are sitting
ducks, so take them out at will. The only difficulty in this mission
is accidentally flying into the freighters as you maneuver. |