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Captain Bex Udigg

Currently assigned to Vigilant Task Force.
Attached to Mon Calamari Cruiser, Vigilant.

Position CO Special Forces Commando Unit
Technical Specialty Assault and Infiltration
Secondary Specialty Demolitions
Side Arm A280-CFE Convertible Heavy Blaster Pistol
Favorite Beverage Flameout
Physical Description Besalisk male, brown skin coloration; 27 standard years old; height 2.24 m, weight 134 kg


Captain Bex Udigg cuts an intimidating figure. The bulky, four-armed physiology of his Besalisk species has been known to strike fear into the heart of many Imperial or Pirate foes as he and his squad suddenly appear in their midst.

Before he joined the alliance, he worked briefly in a cantina as a bar back as he tried to make his way in the galaxy. He was increasingly denigrated by Imperial personnel that frequented his bar, and his second-class status discouraged him from getting any recourse to even the scales.

After seething on it, he decided to do something about it. After a night of crueler than usual treatment, he ambushed the four imperial officers that had been making his life hell for the past year, incapacitating all of them simultaneously.

While he had done this without witnesses, the officers in question had a pretty good idea it was him due to the nature of the attack, and an alert went out for his arrest. Bex booked unofficial passage with a freighter that had accrued a healthy bar tab. Through a strange confluence of events, he found himself immediately thrust into the Rebellion from that point forward due to the smuggler he'd joined being a fringe member of the nascent political movement.

He honed his skills in intrusion and other martial specialties, and was immediately accepted into the rebel infantry, where he continued to learn more skills and hone his command capability.

His service record is lengthy, but classified.