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Captain Moneb Crondon

Currently assigned to Vigilant Task Force.
Attached to Mon Calamari Cruiser, Vigilant.

Position Assistant Psychologist
Technical Specialty Psychotherapy
Secondary Specialty Emergency Trauma Services
Side Arm Quick Wit and Prescription Pad
Favorite Beverage Ithorian Green Tea, preferably under a starry sky
Physical Description Ithorian male, green skin mottled with orange and black eyes; 50 standard years old; height 2.1 m, weight 120 kg


Dr Moneb Crondon was born a child of merchants, travelling the galaxy from the richest planets of the inner core to the furthest reaches of the outer rim. As part of the travelling herd they would go from place to place, bringing Ithorian plants and farming techniques (which many people appreciated) as well as philosophy and religious teachings (which were a lot less popular). It was for this reason that as he grew into adulthood Moneb did not feel the need to settle down, instead his feet always itching to be aboard a ship moving from place to place.

In his early adult period he spent time on various trade vessels, although now working in mixed species crews. He continued this work until he hit his late twenties and the clone wars broke out. With the galaxy now a much more dangerous place to travel, and unable to ignore the suffering in the galaxy, Moneb took a position in a voluntary hospital for wounded civilians.

Although having no medical training beyond basic first aid the hospital took who they could and across two years Moneb learnt enough to be an experienced emergency medical nurse. But, as the war came to a conclusion, it was not physical health that most fascinated Moneb. As the new Empire rose he applied to a famous Alderaanian school of psychology and earned his degree in psychotherapy.

Initially Moneb worked with those suffering the after effects of the clone wars but over time his client list grew from those who had witnessed the violence of the clone and droid armies to those who lost homes and friends to the Empire and its new army.

Moneb was an ally of an early resistance movement in the outer rim and when it joined the newly crowned Rebel Alliance he likewise followed. He couldn't put himself into a combat role, unable to do what he'd seen traumatise so many, but he offered what support he could. Initially dismissed by hardened resistance figures over time even the most cynical of generals and commanders saw the positive effect Moneb had on their soldiers.

He served attached to the ships Red Squadron operated on until the Morningstar was shot down, two years after Yavin. He survived on the surface of the moon they crashed on, showing an inner steel many had failed to see previously. His assignment on the Vigilant is the first ship he has served on since being rescued.