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Master Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class Mak Vizlak

Currently assigned to Vigilant Task Force.
Attached to Mon Calamari Cruiser, Vigilant.

Position Deck Chief
Technical Specialty Starfighter Maintenance
Secondary Specialty Motivational Strategies
Side Arm his arms
Favorite Beverage Garrmorl
Physical Description Wookie male, brown hair with patches of silver from age and blue eyes; age 253, height 2.32 m, weight 171 kg. Has lash scars across his back and chest that have not regrown hair.


Wackachangi, like most other Wookies in the galaxy, was born on Kashyyyk. He spent most of his youth and adolescent life in typical Wookie fashion. While he knew of war and fighting, he hadn't personally had much use for it until the Separatist invasion of his home planet. King Grakchawwaa rallied and led the Wookie forces with the aid of the Galactic Republic clone forces, and Wackachangi got his first taste of combat during that campaign.

Unfortunately, in the intervening years as the Galactic Empire replaced the Republic, Wookies were classified as non-sentient beings to allow for easier enslavement of the hearty species and used by the Empire for construction projects that often led to their death by hazardous work environments or just plain exhaustion. Wackachangi avoided this fate narrowly, but found himself incensed enough to rebel in any way possible. His clan joined others that went to the planet Lasan to aid the besieged Lasat people, but were ultimately unsuccessful. It was here where Wackachangi was finally captured and enslaved.

Thankfully, while his time in bondage was harsh and filled with frequent whippings, he'd learned a valuable skill in ship maintenance. Through his frequent time on the repair docks with his crew, he was able to stage an escape with the timely intervention of a rebel raid. After getting his people to safety, he signed on with the Rebellion. His time during this period of his career is redacted due to his proximity to many of the top Alliance personnel.

After Endor, the CRS Vigilant needed a deck chief, and he needed a ship. While some might say he bullied the poor personnel officer to get the position, others would say he was just very persuasive and motivated the officer to give him the position he wanted and deserved.

On the Vigilant, he is a no-nonsense figure with a temper common to his species. Pilots and techs know not to make him angry, and the rumor of him pulling the arms off of more than one being that angered him has percolated throughout the ship, making respect flow toward him in copious amounts.