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Captain Pierce Dey

Currently assigned to Vigilant Task Force.
Attached to Nebulon-B Frigate, Black Hawk.

Position CO FRG Black Hawk
Technical Specialty Undisclosed
Secondary Specialty Stealthwork and Insertions
Side Arm Alliance Navy Service Blaster
Favorite Beverage Undisclosed
Physical Description Human male, close-cropped white hair; Age undisclosed; height 1.88 m, weight 112 kg


Few in Kalidor Squadron have pried into his past history, but it is rumoured that Pierce Dey, of a royal house on Alderaan, was a respected general, the youngest in Old Republic history, who led assault commandos during the Clone Wars. His unit was responsible for destroying the Mandalorian headquarters during the final weeks of the wars, at extreme cost. General Dey lost his entire command battalion, something that has haunted him ever since.

General Dey volunteered to lead the engineering team on the raid to recover a frigate from the Sullust sector soon after the Rebel defeat, and evacuation, at Hoth. His leadership, under fire from Imperial shock troops, allowed the engineers time to recover from their initial devastating losses, and power up the frigate to escape. The frigate, badly damaged, was to become the home of Kalidor, known as the Black Hawk. Dey became the Captain of the Black Hawk shortly after Kalidor was formed. Drawing from his time on various Old Republic capital ships during the Clone Wars, Captain Dey is a formidable tactician. He's very reliable on keeping the fighters informed during missions, as well as having spurts of tactical genius on occasion. One mission in particular was almost a failure, with the Kalidor strike team in dire straits, until Captain Dey actually maneuvered the Black Hawk into the battle to aid in destroying a Victory class Star Destroyer with the aid of a flight of Striker Y-Wings.

Little else is known as of yet about the man who is Captain of the Black Hawk. Details from his time served in the Clone Wars, and before the inception of the Alliance, are well hidden. No one on the Black Hawk knows anything more than included in this debrief. He is a cautious leader, and will not hesitate to chew out anybody regardless of rank that puts his ship or his crew in unnecessary danger, but will not shy away from a fight.