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Here are the stories of some of our NPCs...



Release 1

How Maddic Got Happy by Knight

The Sparrow - by Dobber

A Tale of Frustration and One-Eyed Vanity - by Bulldog

Train of Thought by Wildcard

The Old Guard by Wildcard

The Dathomiri Reuben Incident - by Cannibal

Lost With a Cause by Barraken

Recovery of Power Station Theta by Blixus

The Case of Illegal Midnight Hooch - by Dragon

Release 2

For a Good Cause - by Dobber

The Blood that Moves the Body - by Wildcard

Beauty - by Bulldog

Darkness Rising - by Bulldog

An Education - by Knight

Release 3 could possibly happen if the later authors manage to get caught up and submit them!
Special thanks to Blixus and Knight for editing/proof-reading.