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Captain Kardia "The Scorpion" Milo

Currently assigned to Vigilant Task Force.
Attached to Assault Frigate Mark II, Vollka.

Position CO A/FRG Vollka
Technical Specialty Large Craft Piloting
Secondary Specialty Stealth
Side Arm Dual Westar-34's
Favorite Beverage Sullustan Gin and Blue Tonic
Physical Description Human female, fair skin, brown eyes; age undisclosed; height 1.72 m, weight 65 kg


In her past she was a bounty hunter of some renown and flew a ship called the Venom. A few years back, she was on the tail of a bounty that happened to be a rebel. The satisfaction of catching up to her quarry on a backwater planet and eliminating the target was short-lived however, as she saw what happened to the local population as a result of her bounty not completing their mission.

For the first time in a long time she felt something, and she realized she wanted to do better. She started helping where she could and eventually found herself helping the Rebellion. Eventually, she became an official part of it.

The Venom was lost at some point during these early missions, and she was eventually given command of a new ship. This Corellian Corvette was put to use in the typical Rebel fashion, as a blockade runner. Unfortunately, she still had to abort many missions as the Imperials tightened their grip on the Outer Rim, causing her anger to rise at the denial of supplies to those that needed them the most.

She decided to take off all of the weapons on her ship and fill it with medical equipment and sick bays, and staffed it with doctors of all specialities. She christened this retrofitted ship the Anti-Venom. She and her, you have to admit, somewhat insane crew of doctors, nurses, and technicians made it their mission to go from one front to the next rendering aid to Rebels, civillians, and even Imperials when the situation arose.

This last part, of course, created some powerful enemies within the Rebel High Command, who thought she was a waste of resources. However, the idealists like Mon Mothma and Leia Organa had her back and, when needed, moved mountains to support her mission.

Recently, the Anti-Venom was tragically lost during the first Battle of Toseng, and after a lengthy period under quasi-captivity, was rescued. After a short recovery period, she was given the opportunity to captain a larger ship, the Assault Frigate Mark II Vollka. The new ship had undergone a massive retrofit to include a robust medical suite, which suited Kardia's taste. While she initially balked at the idea of captaining a ship of war with weaponry able to stand toe to toe with the Imperials, her experience at having the Anti-Venom ripped away from her reminded her of the grim necessity of battle. She still had a few of the heavy cannon batteries replaced with ion cannon emplacements, hoping to remove the teeth of her foes rather than take their lives.