If you ever need to know what's new in Renegade Wing or in the Star Wars
Universe, this is the place to look. Website updates and selected news regarding
Star Wars and its general gaming community will be reported here. Just skim
down to the last time you visited and you'll be able to pinpoint the new
things in a flash. Then scramble to the closest MC80B and take a look!
Internal comms and general orders can be found on the Wing Admin Board
Been a while since you've been onboard? Check out the
Library for Bridge archives.
27 Jan 25
The Buccaneers aid in the capture of a modified Imperial corvette. What they find in the databanks could spell doom for the struggling Rebel Alliance. Follow along and find out what this grim discovery is in War Machine Plans by Prowler, now available in the Lounge! (ePub here)
Progress has been made in the conversion department, but Bearcat has been too busy to update the epub collection so far. It's a ... work in progress!
19 Jan 25
With the biggest battle of the Rebellion to start, everybody prepares themselves differently. Follow Angel as she prepares herself to possibly sacrifice everything for the cause in Straight on 'Til Morning by Angel, now available in the Lounge! (ePub here)
Also, progress behind the scenes is still being made by Savage, Knight, and Bearcat to create more ePub files for existing fiction. Another update will be coming with next week's re-release most likely!
5 Jan 25
Savage finds himself a part of a crew where the only being that can understand him is a run-down droid. Will he survive his next boarding action? Find out in Debts Paid Part 1 by Savage, now available in the Lounge!
Also, thanks to Savage (and a little bit to Bearcat), there are now a staggering 40 ePub files available on the site. This number will climb as time goes on. If a story has a completed ePub file attachment, a (ePub) will appear next to the web link for the posted story on the Lounge page. When clicked, the ePub link will download the zipped ePub file to your device. If you download it on a computer, I'm told that you can email that file to your e-reader device for access. For those of you that were having a hard time reading tales on the site, this should help you get started catching up with the lore!
31 Dec 24
Continuing the Life Day miracle, an old report found its way across Bearcat's desk that he thought was too fun to leave in the past. Raptor finds irregularities with his Green Squadron uniform. His investigation leads to quite the surprise. See what it is for yourself in A New Fit by Raven, now available in the Lounge!
But wait, there's more! Command Staff has seen fit to end the year with a massive ribbon awarding. The End of the Year after party will be in the Simmons Schock Deck!
Earning additional Citation ribbons are:
This brings us to the first of THREE new Renegade Wing Awards. The first is the Renegade Wing Advanced Training ribbon. While we've relaxed on game requirements for squadron membership, it used to be a large part of our legacy to ensure only the best of the best gained a Renegade Wing billet. As such, we have created a series of ribbons for pilots that have qualified for one or more of our squadrons with their game requirements for Star Wars Squadrons, X-wing, and X-wing vs. TIE Fighter (and Balance of Power). If you are curious to see if you qualify, feel free to check the recruiting section to view individual squadron gaming requirements. Proof of qualification should be sent to your squadron OC/XO. Have no fear, though. If you find the requirements too hard to reach, we are always willing to help! And, if you have at least played one of these games with our members, you can earn the basic Participation level ribbon.
The second new ribbon is for those that take the time to read the new Lore that many of our members enjoy creating! There are varying levels for this award, broken up every 25 stories read. If you are curious to see how many you've read, speak to Bearcat in the Renegade Wing discord to get the link to his official reading tracker sheet so you can tally up your "score". Each red wedge on the ribbon accounts for 25 read tales, and a golg gilt border is awarded at anything over 150 tales read. For those curious or wishing to get started, our stories are all stored in the Lounge! They are in chronological order and separated out into smaller "eras", with the 3 latest releases being shown first regardless of their place in the timeline so readers can stay current with the newest releases. Start reading and raise your Power Reader level today!
- Andrew "Dobber" Dobson, Rogue 3 has read between 25-49 Tales
- Rosk "Silence" Vikeron, Sabre OC has read between 25-49 Tales
- Paul "Rogue" Sweet, Spectre 3 has read between 50-74 Tales
- Myke "Wolf" Krenn, Spectre OC has read between 50-74 Tales
- Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds, Rogue OC has read between 75-99 Tales
- Adam "Guardian" Burns, Sabre 6 has read between 125 and 149 Tales!
- Roy "Lock" Callahan, Rogue 9 has read between 125 and 149 Tales!
- Zynnadi "Bearcat", Rogue 12 has read between 150-174 Tales!
The final new ribbon is called the Enduring Service award. We are nothing without our members, and we value their regular interactions in our discord server, as well as any other contributions to the group they may undertake (art, lore, gaming, etc.). There are verying levels from 1 month all the way up to 30 years! The clock starts ticking the moment you officially join Renegade Wing, so join now to start accruing time served!
That's a LOT of awards. I'm tired just saying them out loud (not to mention the time it took to code this bridge update and all the site updates). While my contributions to the celebration are done, there is one more piece of business that must be done.
From the desk of Sabre OC:
For his respectable 14 contributions (so far) to the effort of converting existing Tales to the ePUB format for easier reading on mobile devices, join me in congratulating Queequeg "Savage" Black Cloud on receiving an OC Commendation by showing him the inside of a different kind of e-pub, the SSD! Drinks are on him!
Oh, uh, I've been informed that these ePUB files will be added to the Lounge next to the web link of the tale at a later date. I sure hope everybody caught that before they high-tailed it out of here to run up Savage's bar tab!
-Silence, Sabre OC
23 Dec 24
22 Oct 24
The Imperial Forces have beaten the Rebels to the cloning facility. What lengths are Raven and his friends willing to go to do keep the prize out of their hands? Find out in Pandora's Box Part 2 by Raven, Foxfire, and Storm, now available in the Lounge! Part 1 here.
6 Oct 24
Raven and his friends find themselves in a race with an Imperial taskforce to find a possibly dormant cloning facility. Whoever finds it first will certainly tip the balance of power in their favor in the war. Join in on the exciting search in Pandora's Box Part 1 by Raven, Foxfire, and Storm, now available in the Lounge!
30 Sep 24
A wily prankster is on the loose onboard the Liberty! Will anybody be spared? Find out in Too Much Spare Time by Jalb et al, now available in the Lounge as this month's Liberty Re-release! See if you can spot a minor retcon insertion of a modern day character in this re-release by the sneaky Lore Master as is own sort of prank!
8 Sep 24
Raven and his brother Vyper, a crack Imperial pilot, use all of their resources to track down a spectre from their past. Will it end up with one or both of them in shackles? Find out in Family Business by Raven and Vyper, now available in the Lounge!
25 Aug 24
Jalb risks his life and career when an urgent communique from home arrives. What could possibly cause him to go AWOL? Find out in Insights by Jalb, now available in the Lounge as this month's Liberty Re-release!
11 Aug 24
Raven, Storm, and Foxfire find themselves right in the middle of a pirate plot to steal a shipment of Rebel B-wings. Can they recover the vital cargo in time? Find out in Hijacked by Raven, Foxfire, and Storm, now available in the Lounge!
29 Jul 24
9 Jul 24
It's time for the exciting conclusion of the first major action of Gold Squadron. How will their strike at the heart of the pirate band in the Breaks pan out? Find out in Gold Strike Part 2 by Raven, Pivot, and Storm, now available in the Lounge!
5 Jul 24
From the desk of Sabre OC:
He may have an enigmatic past, but his value to Sabre Squadron and Renegade Wing is no mystery. It is my privilege to bestow upon Queequeg "Savage" Black Cloud the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Please join me at the SSD to celebrate his new pay grade! Personally, I recommend toasting him with a cup of Pequod's finest dark roast caf.
-Silence, Sabre OC
25 Jun 24
From the desk of Rogue Leader:
We are entering a new stage of the war, people. When we were the Rebel Alliance, we were the ones striking out from the shadows, seizing the initiative for most of our engagements. The Empire had to chase us, waste time and resources attempting to engage us as they had to defend their vast territories. Now, though, we are often caught flat-footed as the remnants of the Empire pick and choose the ground of battle. In this new stage of the war, we need more people with outside-the-box thinking and a penchant for surprising tactical decisions. As such, Jim "Raven" Lee, has been recalled and hereby will be reinstated at his previous rank of Captain, and will be helping the Command Group with his gift for ... unconventional tactics and the darker side of warfare, taking up residence in the vacant billet of Corona 4.
His previous postings during the early days of the Alliance were numerous, including stints with Red, Gold, and Rogue Squadrons, and was a foundational member of both Corsair and Buccaneer Squadrons onboard the Liberty. Finally, after dubious circumstances that have been lost during the destruction of Renegade Wing's home at Endor, he joined Green Squadron where he mysteriously disappeared some time before the Battle of Endor. We will need his knowledge if we are to get ahead of the shadowy Imperial threats we now face.
With Raven's ... serendipitous return, many of his earlier exploits have become declassified and will become available in the coming days. One such early mission places him on loan to Gold Squadron to investigate a serious threat to the fledgeling Rebel Alliance a few months after the Battle of Yavin. Take a look at the recently declassified mission to see if you all can learn a thing or two in Gold Strike- Part 1 by Raven, Pivot, and Storm, now available in the Lounge!
Generally this would be the point where I suggest we all run down to the SSD to run up a tab on the new pilot, but I strongly suggest you all flip the script and offer to buy Raven the best single malt scotch Iggy can muster, if only to stay on Raven's good side! There are whispers that his pet Gundark Rory may be lurking around the shadowy parts of the Vigilant, and you will want to stay on his good side as well. You will all need to review the manual on what to do during encounters with dangerous sentient species at the end of this announcement.
-Jalb, Rogue Squadron OC
18 Jun 24
From the desk of Spectre XO:
New pilots are always welcome, especially when they slot effortlessly into their posting and help boost Wing morale with their energy and enthusiasm. For these reasons and many more, Jane "Moon" Skye, Spectre Seven, is hereby promoted to 2nd Lieutenant with all the privileges this new rank brings - which basically means she's paying for drinks at the SSD next time she's off duty! Congrats, Moon, it's great to have you in Spectre Squadron.
-Gremlin, Spectre XO
10 Jun 24
The crew of Mercy 3 finds themselves bored sitting on the sidelines of a distant battle when they get the call to pick up a downed pilot. How busy will they end up being? Find out in A Moment's Notice by Barraken, now available in the Lounge!
15 May 24
It's a pirate's life for Savage, but nobody ever said it'd be easy to make friends, let alone lose them. How does a man react to losing a friend under strange circumstances? Find out in The Tipsy Hutt by Savage, now available in the Lounge!
21 Jan 24
The Raiders have had more than they bargained for trying to hold the line against the Imperial ambush, but Rapier Squadron is about to enter the fray. Can they even the odds and take the pressure off the beleaguered recruits? Find out in Total War Part 2 by Bulldog, now available in the Lounge! (Part 1 here)
7 Jan 24
Happy New Year from Renegade Wing! We begin this new year with some new fiction! The pilots of Raider Squadron, the training squadron attached to Renegade Wing, don't often see much action during their training. Until today, that is, when they find themselves the only thing standing between a key outpost and the attacking Imperial forces. Can they hold the line? Find out in Total War Part 1 by Bulldog, now available in the Lounge!
24 Dec 23
The trio of troublemakers are tapped for a covert mission with Rogue Squadron to draw out their pirate quarry. Will their cowboy tendencies finally do them in or drum them out of the Alliance? Find out in the exciting conclusion of The Past Ahead Part 3 by Jalb, Krayt, Hellcat, and Alli, now available again as this month's Liberty Classic re-release in the Lounge! (Part 1 here and Part 2here)
17 Dec 23
Professor is once again enthralled with the records recovered from his long-lost relation during the early Rebellion. Does he find the clues he's looking for this time? Find out in Nomad Squadron After Action Report 3 by Professor (with input from Freak), now available in the Lounge!
3 Dec 23
From the desk of Renegade Command:
30 Nov 23
From the desk of Spectre OC:
Often in these times of trouble and sacrifice, we overlook the contributions of the arts. There is something about group activities that bring us all together and raise morale that is worth not only celebrating, but recognizing as necessary. Those who contribute to these endeavors are often overlooked, and they themselves will simply say they were just having fun.
Captain Gemilan, or "Gremlin" as we know her, is one of those people. For her continued dedication to bringing us together through social activities like Inktober and other artistic endeavors, I hereby award her an OC Commendation from Spectre Squadron.
Congratulations, XO. Keep our future bright, colorful, and full of fun.
-Wolf, Spectre OC
26 Nov 23
After receiving a well-deserved dressing down for their unsanctioned stunt, the Renegade Wing Troublemakers are back on active duty. Behind the scenes, the another player makes moves that could affect Renegade Wing greatly. Find out what's happening in The Past Ahead Part 2 by Jalb, Krayt, Hellcat, and Alli, now available again as this month's Liberty Classic re-release in the Lounge! (Part 1 here)
19 Nov 23
The debriefing of Renegade Wing by New Republic Intelligence continues. Which pilots are dragged into the interrogation room this time? Find out in Erosion Part 2 by all of Renegade Wing, now available in the Lounge! Part 1 can be found here.
5 Nov 23
With the sudden and surprising loss of control over the planet of Toseng, Renegade Wing is investigated by New Republic Intelligence at the behest of the upper echelons of the fledgeling New Republic leadership. Who will they railroad to pin this on? Find out in Erosion Part 1 by all of Renegade Wing, now available in the Lounge!
29 Oct 23
From the desk of Captain J'ruce, Buccaneer Executive Officer:
Only a lucky few are skilled and experienced enough to call themselves members of Buccaneer Squadron. It is a privilege that is held in the highest esteem. On that note, I am delighted to extend that privilege to Jeni "Angel" Courtner! She'll fit right in amongst our ranks, even moreso once she's bought us all drinks!
I'm also happy to inform you all that she has been promoted to the rank of Captain, but the drinks are still on her tab.
From the bunk of Bearcat, Rogue 12 and new Loremaster:
I've, uh, been told to carry out the plans of my predecessor and I'd "better not screw it up". Thankfully for me, Bulldog had completed enough work for this Loremaster position to be rather cushy for the next year or so! As such, here is part 1 of 3 of the next Liberty Classic re-release!
Jalb, Krayt, and Hellcat are bored. To break the monotony, the trio of Renegade troublemakers hatch a harebrained scheme and drag Alli into it, but it might cost them more than they have in their credit accounts combined! Find out what Jalb, Hellcat, and Krayt did in The Past Ahead: Part 1 by Jalb, Krayt, Hellcat, and Alli, now available in the Lounge!
16 Oct 23
Catch the exciting conclusion of Rogue and Gremlin's time on the ground in Escape and Evasion Part 2 by Rogue (with help from Gremlin), now available in the Lounge!
1 Oct 23
Rogue has had better flights, considering most of them don't include being shot down on a hostile planet. Not to make him feel left out, Gremlin finds herself in the same boat soon after. Will they manage to survive long enough for help to arrive? Find out in Escape and Evasion Part 1 by Rogue (with help from Gremlin), now available in the Lounge!
24 Sep 23
From the desk of Captain McCauley, Corsair Executive Officer:
Flight command has graced Corsair with yet another exceptional recruit. Please give a warm renegade welcome to Flight Officer Jay "Slipstream" Pelles.
Jay was previously deeply embedded with a rebel cell, who's daring and courage saw the New Republic able to liberate that system. You may already know of him for his excellent simulator software and I heard he's also quite the artist.
Everyone to the SSD because drinks are on the new guy!
P.S. Any rabbit jokes will see you serving mandatory NR sensitivity training. Hop to it!
From the Desk of the Lore Master:
It's funny what some combat veterans can remember with absolute clarity of mind while other important details are lost to the ether the moment they are out of sight. CRS Liberty Flight Controller extraordinaire Silk reminisces about the time he first encountered his favorite drink in Silk's Tale by Silk, now available again as this month's Liberty Classic re-release in the Lounge!
19 Sep 23
The hair-brained jailbreak scheme comes off, but there are losses. We all know no plan survives contact with the enemy, but this time the tab might be too much for even the likes of Bulldog to pay. Will he make it? Find out in Resistance Part 3 by Bulldog (with help from Wildcard and Jalb), now available in the Lounge! (Part 1 here and Part 2 here)
From the desk of Colonel Reynolds, Rogue OC:
We're all aware of the disturbing events that transpired on Toseng recently and the fallout from those Imperial atrocities will be long and far-reaching. In the short term though Sabre needs to continue providing its exemplary support to the Wing and the New Republic, and to ensure this happens Captain Rosk "Silence" Vikeron is promoted to Major and effective command of Sabre immediately.
Whilst I couldn't think of a worse way for this promotion to come about I want everyone to give Silence, and Sabre, their full support and be respectful of the traumatic way this has been pushed upon them, and the Wing as a whole.
For a bit of brighter news, the latest ship officially assigned to the Vigilant Task Force> has finally arrived. The Vollka, a newly refitted Assault Frigate, stands ready to join us at our next battle. Under the command of famed wildcard Captain Kardia Milo, we look forward to seeing what this ship can do!
They say the 'war' is over. I wish that were true... Although we probably don't want to I urge you all to get to the SSD, toast Major Vikeron and raise a glass to another fallen comrade, Major Andy 'Bulldog' Clark.
From the desk of Captain Vikeron, the newly instated Sabre OC:
It is with a heavy heart that I must take up the mantle of our former Sabre OC. He was no saint, but I will always remember him as a good man.
As my first act, I am instating Captain Conall "Shadow" McKenna to the position of Sabre XO, a well-deserved appointment. He will be leaving behind his role as Lore Officer.
Taking over for Captain McKenna will hereby be Captain Adam "Guardian" Burns.
I have every confidence both men will do an excellent job in their new positions. Despite these somber times, please take a moment to congratulate these fine individuals by immediately sinking them into debt at the SSD.
Don't forget to pour one out for our fallen comrade.
3 Sep 23
Bulldog and his ragged bunch of resistance fighters have struck a blow against the Imperial occupiers of Toseng. Unfortunately, they didn't come out unscathed, and it may just ruin their future plans as they are forced to rush their next move. Will this be their end? Find out in Resistance Part 2 by Bulldog (with help from Wildcard and Jalb), now available in the Lounge! (Part 1 here)
27 Aug 23
Being a pilot isn't easy. You've got Imperials trying to kill you, death marks in all systems, and all manner of scum and villainy looking for you and your friends. What nobody tells you though is how bad it hurts to say goodbye to a close friend. Wolf unfortunately finds this fact out in End of an Era by Wolf, now available again as this month's Liberty Classic re-release in the Lounge!
20 Aug 23
The Renegades have retreated from Toseng, but not everybody made it off the planet. Bulldog attempts to organize the scattered resources into something to use against the Imperial occupiers. Can he hold things together long enough for the Renegades to return? Find out in Resistance Part 1 by Bulldog (with help from Wildcard and Jalb), now available in the Lounge!
6 Aug 23
Life has been ... rocky for Frosty since his return to active duty. Mending relationships he broke when he cut and run is hard, especially so while serving during an active war. Can he and Gremlin get back to where they were before? Find out in Closing the Distance by Frosty and Gremlin, now available in the Lounge! Every so often something so great slides across the loremaster's desk, and this is one of those instant classics! Do not delay in reading this tale.
30 Jul 23
Were you ever curious to find out who gave the first ever live musical performance onboard the CRS Liberty? Find out in The Lounge Song by Rancor now available again as this month's Liberty Classic re-release in the Lounge!
16 Jul 23
Ever pass by the SSD and hear unintelligible shouting accompanying something approaching rhythm whenever one or more Renegades are present? Ever want to know what those lyrics were... supposed to be? Find out in Renegade Wing Sea Shanty Collection by Bulldog, Silence, Gremlin, Wolf, Wildcard, Dragon, and Savage, now available in the Lounge!
2 Jul 23
Professor continues his pursuit of information on the fate or whereabouts of his cousin from the early Rebellion era. Does he finally find the truth? Find out in Nomad Squadron After-Action Report 2 by Professor, now available in the Lounge!
25 Jun 23
Jalb, Krayt, and Condor eagerly accept their first combat mission in what seems like forever, but did they rush into their deaths? Find out in Rimward Spoils by Condor (with input from Jalb), now available in the Lounge!
18 Jun 23
Dragon is detained and interrogated about his role in a... possibly larger rogue action. Will he crack under questioning? Find out in Salvage by Dragon, now available in the Lounge!
5 Jun 23
Savage finds himself between a rock and a hard place, facing jail time unless he undertakes a dangerous mission due to his experience with the Unknown Regions. Will he be able to pull it off, or would he be better off in a cell? Find out in Here There Be Dragons by Savage, now available in the Lounge!
This Tale earns Flight Officer Queequeg "Savage" Black Cloud his first Squadron Citation ribbon! Drinks on the guy with the new ribbon!
2 Jun 23
From the desk of Spectre XO:
It's been a while since Wolf let me do this, so let's celebrate— it's time to welcome a new member to the squad!
Flight Officer Jane "Moon" Skye takes over as Spectre Seven from Talker, who moves to Spectre Eight after a contentious credit-toss. Renegade Wing is Moon's first posting since joining the Rebellion— sorry, the New Republic— so all you old-timers, go easy on the newbie. No more than two drinks each on her tab!
Welcome, Moon - it's great to have you aboard!
28 May 23
Hyl is absolutely frantic once news of a shuttle arriving soon at the Liberty reaches him. Who could cause him to be so nervous? Find out in Hyl's Tale by Hyl, now available in the Lounge!
21 May 23
From the desk of Sabre OC:
14 May 23
From the desk of Sabre OC:
7 May 23
The Spectres prepare to escort vital supplies to Toseng. They thought they prepared for everything, but they never expected what met them on their run. Will they make it? Find out in Hunting High and Low by Wildcard, now available in the Lounge!
30 Apr 23
Owtlaw finds himself on the wrong side of a vision test and finds himself grounded and despondent. His friends come together and hatch a daring plan to get the old timer back in the air. Perhaps they bit off more than they could chew? Find out in Outlaw's Ship by various MECantina authors, now available in the Lounge!
From the desk of Sabre OC:
Please stand and welcome Sabre Squadron's newest Mayhem pilot. Flight Officer Queequeg, otherwise known as The Savage, will be filling the vacant Sabre 11 billet as Mayhem 3. Rest assured, he is tailor-made for this job, and if you don't believe me, go try and talk to him yourself! We all look forward to learning more about this mysterious Devaronian, so look forward to the publishing of one of his latest adventures in the Lounge at a future date!
Drinks are on the new Flog!
16 Apr 23
Bulldog and 8 other Renegades fought the good fight, but the battle isn't over. Will they finish the fight, or call it quits? Find out in the exciting conclusion of Magnificent 9 Part 3 by Bulldog, with contributions from Foo, Dragon and Silence, Loth Cat, and Shadow, now available in the Lounge! (Part 1 here and Part 2 here)
From the desk of Spectre OC:
Please stand and welcome another wayward veteran back home. 2nd Lt. Ketchin "Ketch" Brahe, a veteran of Gray Squadron, has found his way back to the front lines and will be filling the vacant Spectre 9 billet. We look forward to hearing the tales of his whereabouts for the last few months, to be shared with the public in the future after they are cleared and all compromising information is redacted by New Republic Intelligence.
Drinks are on the Vet!
2 Apr 23
Bulldog and 8 other Renegades decide to hold the line against a gang of ruffians terrorizing a village. Will they pull off the impossible? Find out in Magnificent 9 Part 2 by Bulldog, with contributions from Foo, Dragon and Silence, Loth Cat, and Shadow, now available in the Lounge! (Part 1 here )
From the desk of Corsair XO:
For his multiple contributions to the wing, general good humour and excellent callsign it is with my pleasure that I am pleased to announce the promotion of Nevan "Cannibal" Cross.
Drinks are on the newly minted 2nd Lieutenant!
From the desk of Sabre OC:
I have been nudged by the Wing CO and find great pleasure in doing his bidding.
For his exemplary work assisting the WebMaster in creating the Fleet Battles Challenge Leader Boards and developing the backend database and web submission forms, 1st Leiutenant Ikurrece "Zippy" Ojima receives an OC's Commendation.
If anything requires drinks to be bought, that certainly does. Well done Zippy, drinks are on you too!
26 Mar 23
The Imperials are closing in! Can Kallysto and his friends escape? Read the exciting conclusion in Capital Punishment Part 3 by Guardian, Rooster, Kallysto, and Stryker, now available in the Lounge!
From the desk of Corsair XO:
I don't like to make a spectacle of myself by addressing large groups, but since somebody has to do it, please welcome Flight Officer Wen "Professor" Mirthstone to the wing! Joining us as Corsair 5, Professor brings a level of booksmarts that rival even our own super computer OC! If there's an elusive set of Rebel Alliance records you want to dig up, he's your guy!
Drinks are on the new old man!
5 Mar 23
Bulldog finally emerges from his stay in the brig to find he's been replaced as Buccaneer XO, but he manages to find one more cause to take charge once again. Will it be a charge to his end? Find out in Magnificent 9 Part 1 by Bulldog, with contributions from Foo, Dragon and Silence, Loth Cat, and Shadow, now available in the Lounge!
26 Feb 23
Kallysto, Guardian, and a few other Corsairs manage to make it to Kallysto's home planet, but they're in for quite a reception! Continue the story in Capital Punishment Part 2 by Guardian, Rooster, Kallysto, and Stryker, now available in the Lounge!
19 Feb 23
Things have come to a head in the brig for Bulldog on Toseng. Will he make it out of this alive? Find out in Hard Time Part 2 by Bulldog, with a contribution from Silence, now in the Lounge!
5 Feb 23
Bulldog finds himself in the Toseng brig complex for the third time since they'd taken the planet just under a month ago. Will this time be his last? Find out in Hard Time Part 1 by Bulldog, with a contribution from Silence, now in the Lounge!
29 Jan 23
Kallysto finds himself grounded, and without flying he has no idea what to do with himself. Can his friends find a way to break him out of this crisis of identity? Find out in Capital Punishment Part 1 by Guardian, Rooster, Kallysto, and Stryker, the next Liberty Classic re-release now available in the Lounge!
15 Jan 23
2nd Release of NPC-focused 5k's are now live!
- For a Good Cause by Dobber
- The Blood that Moves the Body by Wildcard
- Beauty by Bulldog
- Darkness Rising by Bulldog
- An Education by Knight
Want to see which NPCs got spotlighted? Find out in the NPC 5k Release List. They are NOT located in the Lounge yet, but will all have a place in our timeline when all submissions have been posted! There may be a few stragglers that end up making a smaller part 3 to this, so stay tuned!
6 Jan 23
From the desk of Sabre OC:
I am pleased to announce that Starfighter Command has finally caught up with our after-action reports and approved our several recommendations for awards.
Firstly, the following members participated in the 2022 Inktober challenge, and have officially earned the new ribbon!
- Captain Gemilan "Gremlin" with a stunning 32 entries! Either she found an extra day in the month, or Sabre OC can't count properly!
- Colonel Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds just behind her with 31 entries, a whopping entry per day!
- 1st Lieutenant Andika "Damak" Malim with 26 entries.
- Captain Rosk "Silence" Vikeron with 24 entries.
- Captain Bakk 'Wildcard' J'ruce with 17 entries.
- Captain Adam "Guardian" Burns with 14 entries.
- Major Andy "Bulldog" Clark with 7 entries.
- Captain Roy "Lock" Callahan with 4 entries.
- Major Myke "Wolf" Krenn with 3 entries.
- Lieutenant Colonel Bill "Jedi" Morrison with 1 entry.
- 1st Lieutenant Marc "Prowler" Desrosiers with 1 entry.
- and Ketch with 1 entry, who will earn his ribbon once he is officially on a roster! Pick a billet already, ya old-timer!
But that's not all. We have a few members earning extra devices to their Squadron Citation Ribbons!
- Captain Bakk 'Wildcard' J'ruce has earned 1 device for his completions of the 5ks The Old Guard, the Blood that Moves the Body (upcoming), and Train of Thought.
- Captain Rosk "Silence" Vikeron has earned 1 device for her for completion of number 3 and 4 in the Jak & Bey series.
- Captain Kell "Dragon" Arcfire has earned 1 device for his completion of the bios for Brainman, Jarhead, and Darlene.
- Major Andy "Bulldog" Clark has earned a whopping 3 devices for his completion of the tales Dangerous Love and Growing Pains, writing of Redemption, and the three 5ks of A Tale of Frustration and One-Eyed Vanity, Beauty (upcoming), and Darkness Rising (upcoming)
Lastly, there are two pilots the Renegade Wing Command Staff especially wanted to identify. Unfortunately, Starfighter Command has been dragging their feet on more lofty (yet well-deserved) awards, so the command group onboard the CRS Vigilant has decided to take matters into their own hands. The following two pilots have earned the rare OC's Commendation Ribbon!
- For effort far and above the call of Lore duty, Captain John "Knight" Vorwald has earned his first OC's Commendation Ribbon.
- Similarly, 2nd Lieutenant Jeff "Blixus" Mitchell has earned a 2nd OC's Commendation Ribbon for work above and beyond the normal duties of a Lore Officer, as well as his continued hard work on his extra-curricular project.
Drinks are on all of those that have been recognized above, aside from me. Let's go crash the SSD!
2 Jan 23
Hey, just be happy the year is right on the date. The backup webmaster generally takes a month of writing the wrong year on checks before he gets it right...
Anyway, the first half of the NPC 5k's have been released for your viewing pleasure. If you submitted one and it isn't one of the 9 stories posted, don't fret! There will be another release of the rest in about two weeks time!
- How Maddic Got Happy by Knight
- The Sparrow by Dobber
- A Tale of Frustration and One-Eyed Vanity by Bulldog
- Train of Thought by Wildcard
- The Old Guard by Wildcard
- The Dathomiri Reuben Incident by Cannibal
- Lost With a Cause by Barraken
- Recovery of Power Station Theta by Blixus
- The Case of Illegal Midnight Hooch by Dragon
Want to see which NPCs got spotlighted? Find out in the NPC 5k Release List. They are NOT located in the Lounge yet, but will all have a place in our timeline when all submissions have been posted!
26 Dec 22
The mission has hit a snag and our strike team is now stranded in a bad way. Can they right the ship and finish the mission unscathed? Find out in Redemption: Part 3 by Bulldog, Guardian, Shadow, Silence, and Zippy, now in the Lounge! Part 1 here, Part 2 here.
18 Dec 22
The mission is under way, bringing the small strike team of Renegade Wing to the Yavin system. Star Wars Squadrons fans should be very familiar with this one! Curious? Read more in Redemption: Part 2 by Bulldog, Guardian, Shadow, Silence, and Zippy, now in the Lounge! Part 1 here
4 Dec 22
A few Renegades are tapped for a mysterious covert mission with very few specifics and many unknown elements. The only thing that is known to them is that it'll be dangerous. With Bulldog fresh out of the brig and Silence lacking confidence in his leadership capabilities, will they be able to pull it off? Find out in Redemption: Part 1 by Bulldog, Guardian, Shadow, Silence, and Zippy, now in the Lounge!
With the publishing of Redemption: Part 1, Captain Conall "Shadow" McKenna and 1st Lt. Ikurrece "Zippy" Ojima have earned their Bronze Toseng Contribution ribbon for 1 addition to Toseng lore!
If you haven't earned a Toseng lore ribbon yet, do not fret! There is plenty of time to complete a story and get it published. Work with your squadron's lore officer as soon as possible to plan something out!
27 Nov 22
End of the month means it's time for another Liberty Legends Re-release. Time for the exciting conclusion of First Command Part 3 by Hyp, Guardian, Paladin, Raven, Groznik, Arakyd, Animal, and Slicer, now in the Lounge!
With the publishing last week of Recruiting Drive, Captain Adam "Guardian" Burns has upgraded his Bronze Toseng Contribution ribbon to a fancy Silver device for his third contribution to the Toseng lore.
While Captain Andy "Bulldog" Clark has won the race for the first gold Toseng ribbon in Renegade Wing, the race is still on for the next member of the wing to join him with that honor. Who do you think will get there next?
19 Nov 22
Guardian has had a rocky reunion to the Wing, having been pulled a few weeks after recovering from his wounds during the crash-landing of the CRV Anti-Venom and thrust into a dicey covert mission. Upon his return, he is given another assignment, and it's one he's actually eager for... Find out what it is in Recruiting Drive by Guardian, now in the Lounge!
6 Nov 22
Bulldog has officially joined the Rebellion after the debacle at Hoth. His first posting is... rocky to say the least. He didn't gain his curmudgeonly reputation out of nowhere! Find out how did he find his way into the welcoming arms of Renegade Wing in Growing Pains by Bulldog, now in the Lounge!
30 Oct 22
The last few members of the newly reformed Buccaneer Squadron have arrived, and now the plan is set. Will this incarnation of the heavy hitters manage to pull it off? Find out in the Liberty Legends re-release of First Command Part 2 by Hyp, Guardian, Paladin, Raven, Groznik, Arakyd, Animal, and Slicer, now in the Lounge!
16 Oct 22
Foo has been shot down, and he's got no support coming. Can he make it out of this alive? Find out in Semper Foo- Part 2 by Foo and Bulldog, now in the Lounge!
With the publishing of Semper Foo, Bulldog has earned the Black and Gold Toseng Contribution ribbon, the first pilot to do so! This is the maximum lore award available for this section of the wing's lore, having published or contributed to 5 stories based on or during Toseng.
There are many more hot on his heels though! Dobber and Wildcard are right on the doorstep with 4 contributions, and many more are slated to reach it if they finish their proposed projects! Get to writing!
2 Oct 22
The Battle of Toseng may be over, but recent activity near the crashed ISD Glory has drawn Renegade Wing back into action. Foo, having recurring nightmares of his time as an Imperial, fights to grapple with his past while also doing his duty in the present. Can he keep it together? Find out in Semper Foo- Part 1 by Foo and Bulldog, now in the Lounge!
25 Sep 22
Renegade Wing is reeling. After the complete disaster that befell Buccaneer during their first mission, many in command wonder if it's a cursed posting. Many on the Liberty are feeling the same way. Is the second time the charm? Find out in the Liberty Legends re-release of First Command Part 1 by Hyp, Guardian, Paladin, Raven, Groznik, Arakyd, Animal, and Slicer, now in the Lounge!
18 Sep 22
Good people sometimes get caught up in the seedier aspects of their surroundings. Greelo is one such person, but he wants out. Can he make it? Find out in Tears in the Rain by Wildcard, now in the Lounge!
4 Sep 22
Just as things are beginning to normalize for Dobber after flying off the handle weeks ago, his friend Captain Supriya is pulled into a situation with the gravest of implications for Dobber's sanity. What sort of news could halt all the progress he's made? Find out in Cat and Mouse by Dobber, now in the Lounge!
28 Aug 22
Guardian has beeb burning the candle at both ends as a pilot and medical tech at the same time for the past few months. Can he manage to get his patient to safety without dying himself? Find out in Double Duty by Guardian, now in the Lounge as another exciting Liberty Classic Tale re-release!
14 Aug 22
Things come to a nasty head on the surface of Toseng as the spectre of the dead comes back with a vengeance. Find out how badly things can go in Ghosts of Hoth: Part 2 by Bulldog, with contributions by Frosty and Silence, now in the Lounge!
With the final installment of Ghosts of Hoth being published, both Captains Jack "Frosty" McCauley and Rosk "Silence" Vikeron have upgraded their Bronze Toseng Contribution ribbon to a fancy Silver device as their third contribution to the Toseng lore.
The race is still on for the first member of the wing to reach the coveted gold device (5 Toseng lore contributions). Who do you think will get there first?
7 Aug 22
From the desk of Buccaneer OC:
I am pleased to announce the promotions of several Buccaneer pilots effective immediately.
- For stylish representation and exquisite and continued gallantry in the line of duty, 2nd Lieutenant J'ruce will from this day forward, subsequently, henceforth and hereafter be referred to as 1st Lieutenant Bakk 'Wildcard' J'ruce,
- For his heroic and prophesied return to active status, and contributions above that of his FO status, I herby promote Flight Officer Anton 'Ant' Whitemont to 2nd Lieutenant.
Now enough of the pageantry and adulation, let's head to the SSD to celebrate! Drinks are on Buccaneer 4 and 11
31 Jul 22
Bulldog and the rest of Renegade Wing begin to trickle down to the surface of Toseng. He is temporarily placed into a larger leadership role, and he immediately has a run-in with his mortal enemy, Thram Shen'ryu. Can he keep things together until the rest of the Wing leadership lands? Find out in Ghosts of Hoth: Part 1 by Bulldog, now in the Lounge!
24 Jul 22
Fed up with their jobs, Jak and Bey are finally heading off into the sunset. When you're in the Coruscant underground, that's a little harder than it sounds. Can they make it out? Find out in Going Commando by Silence, the thrilling conclusion of Silence's 4 part series is available in the Lounge now!
17 Jul 22
Smashed, part 3 of Silence's 4 part series is available in the Lounge now - After a year working together, Jak and Bey meet the ultimate test and a crushing blow. Can their partnership survive Jak meeting Bey's family?
We've also posted the Nominal Role for the SAD (Ship's Armed Detachment). The Vigilant's Marine Detachment(Bravo Company) supports all areas of operations but 3 Platoon are Renegade Wing's 'Battle Buddies'. With the skills and experience through their Squads to support all facets of Wing Operations these 'Grunts' are the best around.
12 Jul 22
From the desk of Wolf - Spectre Leader:
Not all operations Renegade Wing is involved in are public. 2nd Lt. Jeff "Blixus" Mitchell has undertaken a secret mission on behalf of the wing. In appreciation for his efforts thus far, we award him the very first OC's Commendation Ribbon.
This ribbon is awarded at the discretion of the Officer Commanding of the pilot OR the Command Staff, and is awarded for personnel who have performed consistently above the requirements of their Rank and/or position or have contributed to their Squadron or the Wing in a way that surpasses the criteria for a Squadron or Wing Citation.
Blixus has completely gone all in, willingly and without complaint, in his duties on the Lore Team as well as the Top Secret project he has been spearheading on behalf of the Command Staff. While the project is still under construction, we are excited with the progress and cannot wait until it is able to be unveiled to the rest of the Wing. For now, let's just run up his tab in the Simmons' Schock Deck!
10 Jul 22
From the desk of Bulldog - Sabre Leader:
We've got quite a bit of Lore news coming. First and foremost, the next chapter of Silence's Jak & Bey series is available in the Lounge! You've met Jak and Bey after they'd been partners for a few years, now it's time to go back in time to see how they met! Were they a dream team from day one, or did they almost kill each other? Find out in Trashed by Silence!
Next, the following pilots (in order of rank) have earned updates to their Citation Ribbons and Devices!
- Lt. Colonel Chris "Animal" Stephen has earned 1 device for the bios of X-wing tech Talza Jechs and commandos Tips and Z.
- Major Andy "Bulldog" Clark has earned 1 device for the commando bios of Salty, Parrot, and Sandman.
- Captain Roy "Lock" Callahan has earned 1 device for the bios of pilots Firebrand and Flip, as well as commando Valkyrie.
- Captain Gemilan "Gremlin" has earned 1 device for the bios of pilot Nosey and commandos Beautiful and Hawk-bat.
- Captain Jack "Frosty" McCauley has earned 1 device for the bios of pilots Greaser and Tweak, as well as commando Greenfingers.
- Captain Andrew "Dobber" Dobson has earned 2 devices the bios of pilots Duck and Goose, as well as commandos Sparks, Hush, Patchwork, and Wessex!
- Captain John "Knight" Vorwald has earned 1 device for his 5k tale Speculative Investments, and the bios for commandos Max and Clanker.
- Captain Rosk "Silence" Vikeron has earned 2 devices for her two Jak & Bey tales, her excellent To Die Alone 5k tale, and bios for commandos Stuffin and Red!
- Captain Moggaz "Barraken" Murg has earned 1 device for his pilot bio for Sparky, and two commandos Puffer and Firefly.
- 1st Lt. Ikurrece "Zippy" Ojima has earned 1 device for his contributions to Life Day, Yesterday, and the bio for commando Onionhead.
- 1st Lt. Andika "Damak" Malim has earned 1 device for his contributions to Life Day, and bios for pilots Princess and Talker.
- 1st Lt Marc "Prowler" Desrosiers has earned 1 device for his commando bios for Doc, Lawman, and Cake.
- 2nd Lt. Bakk "Wildcard" J'ruce has earned 1 device for his bios for pilot Geek and commandos Ghost and Boom.
- 2nd Lt. Malcom "Freak" MacCurrich has earned his first citation ribbon for his Missing Kit tale and bios for commandos Wretch and Slink!
- 2nd Lt. Jeff "Blixus" Mitchell has earned his first citation ribbon for his bios for commandos Darkness, Charmer, and Sparks!
Participation in challenges and adding to the lore is part of the lifeblood of Renegade Wing. Without personnel adding to the lore, we would be dead in the water. The Lore Team greatly appreciates the efforts of those recognized, as well as those that are working and have not been recognized in this post. I wanted to give an extra shout out to both Blixus and Freak for earning their first Squadron Citation Ribbons. Drinks are on all of those recognized, aside from myself of course!
6 Jul 22
From the desk of Syntax - Corsair Leader:
It is with great pleasure that I welcome our newest Corsair to the fold, Nevan "Cannibal" Cross! Cannibal comes to us from an Imperial background, specializing in Imperial Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures, and I have full confidence he'll use that enemy intel to great effect in the skies. Let's break in his wallet Renegade Wing style by having a bunch of drinks on his tab - just don't let him get too drunk, he's allergic to bacta so he can't rely on it to fix any liver damage!
3 Jul 22
- Meet Jak and Bey, the buddy cop duo you didn't know you were missing! They are hot on the heels of a criminal duo while working undercover. Can they pull off the arrest of the century, or will they get in their own way? Find out in Wasted by Silence, part 1 of a 4 part series available now in the Lounge!
30 Jun 22
- Another veteran has found their way home thanks to Barraken's tireless SAR efforts! Please welcome back Prowler, ex-Buccaneer leader and longtime veteran of Renegade Wing! He will be taking on the role of asset and supply procurement in the RWSS. Drinks are on the returning veteran!
26 Jun 22
- The come-down after a battle is never pretty, especially after a costly one like the Battle of Toseng. Many of the pilots are dealing with varying levels of trauma, both from the past and from this most recent battle. Take a look inside the pain in Day One Blues: Part 2 by Lock et. al, now in the Lounge for your perusal!
19 Jun 22
- The Battle of Toseng is over. Now the pilots and personnel of Renegade Wing are forced to deal with the aftermath of their costly victory. Can they cope with the pain and loss? Find out in Day One Blues: Part 1 by Lock et. al, now in the Lounge for your viewing pleasure!
From the Desk of Sabre OC:
With the publishing of Day One Blues: Part 1 (and the upcoming part 2), Captains Roy "Lock" Callahan and Andrew "Dobber" Dobson, as well as myself, have earned the second level of the Toseng contribution ribbon.
We look forward to seeing who the next pilot will be to upgrade their Toseng Ribbon, as well as who the first will be to reach the coveted Black ribbon! Drinks are on the lower-ranked award winners, but hold fast! There is one more pilot being recognized that will help share the drink tab!
From the Desk of Spectre OC:
It's a time honored tradition for the Renegades to test their mettle against older, previous missions and see how they stack up against the past. 1st Lieutenant Jeni "Angel" Courtner has done just that, earning the Iron Star for achieving a time of 7:00 in Mineracing!
Drinks on the newfound daredevil!
16 Jun 22
From the Desk of Spectre XO:
For ongoing service to Renegade Wing, particularly his writing credits and his sterling work on organising the first unit patch run in two decades, Second Lieutenant Andika "Damak" Malim is hereby promoted to the rank of First Lieutenant. Damak's morale-boosting efforts extend beyond his support for Spectre Squadron projects like the recent NPC Challenge; he brings his enthusiasm and energy to a number of Wing initiatives, making this promotion very well-deserved. Congrats, Damak!
Of course, with a write-up like this, there has to be some payback. To the SSD - the drinks are on Damak!
6 Jun 22
The Rogue Squadron Fleet Battle vs AI Challenge has been run and won! Congratulations to all the teams for their participation and efforts but the accolades go to the following Top Three teams:
- Third Place - Guardian and Bulldog with an adjusted time of 1 minute 17 seconds
- Second Place - Dragon and Bulldog with an adjusted time of minus 1 minute 25 seconds
- First Place - Thanatos and Jalb_k with an adjusted time of minus 2 minutes 41 seconds
Hit the link above to get the Challenge Rules and a full wrap up of times and placings.
5 Jun 22
- The exciting conclusion is finally here! So many Renegades have already been shot down or forced out of the fight, leaving the survivors drastically outnumbered and increasingly damaged. With the balance of an entire planet in play, Renegade Wing cannot fall back and regroup for it would mean death to the patriots on the ground hoping for freedom. With retreating off the table, pilots in varying degrees of operational ships must hurl themselves into the fray and finish the fight... or die trying! See what happens in Boiling Point Episode Seven by Frosty, Lock, et. al, in the Theater (and in epub)!
29 May 22
- Guardian risks his career and rank to take a principled stand on the health of his friends. See how it turns out in Guardian's Tale by Guardian, now re-released in the Lounge for your reading pleasure.
- Also, Angel is taking a much-deserved break and stepping down from her position as the Spectre Squadron Lore Officer. Blixus has graciously volunteered to take her place. All Spectre lore questions should now be funneled to him. Drinks are on him and Wildcard tonight!
20 May 22
From the Desk of Sabre OC:
With the publishing of Survivor's Guilt by Wildcard, he is officially the first pilot in the wing to earn the second level of the Toseng ribbon.
We look forward to seeing who the next pilot will be to upgrade their Toseng Ribbon, as well as who the first will be to reach the coveted Black ribbon! Drinks are on the Bucc!
15 May 22
- A spectre from the past as come back to haunt the newly-minted Spectre 12. Will this ghost reborn bring down Wildcard as well as his new squadmates? Find out in Survivor's Guilt by Wildcard, now in the Lounge for your viewing pleasure!
9 May 22
Official Communication!
From the office of General Raymus Firth, Starfighter Command
- ATTN: Renegade Wing
Due to the recent losses suffered at Toseng, Starfighter Command has shuffled assets to ensure we put the strongest foot forward on all fronts. As such, Renegade Wing will be receiving a fresh batch of reinforcements to replace their losses and fill in pre-existing gaps in the rosters.
While we are assigning these replacements, we need another of your pilots to help rebuild the fighter squadrons attached to the CRS Sovereignty. This is regrettable, as we are aware of the losses you sustained recently in battle, but Lt. Stormhand personally requested Lt. Faus'tus to join him, and he will be reassigned to that duty posting as of 0700 tomorrow.
Also going off on a mission for High Command is Lt. Costa Guerra. He will be taking a shuttle on a recovery run, and may be gone for quite some time as he continues to round up missing personnel. We have the utmost confidence in his abilities to do the job thoroughly.
Lastly, Lieutenant KalDan has requested transfer to the medical facility caring for his grievously wounded friend, Flight Officer Pristolaque. This was worded more as a demand than a request, but the facility had an opening within the local defense squadron, so we were able to agree upon a transfer.
To salve these necessary reductions in force, we have decided to attach a new squadron to the Renegade Wing Task Force. Rapier Squadron will be based on the FRG Rehz'nor, and they will be the Wing's Force Recon element. While not as adept at recon as Corsair and not packing nearly as much firepower as Buccaneer, this melding of mission profiles has worked well under Cpt. Brej and Lt. Malloc on their own. We project even more effectiveness with Rapier under the Command and Maintenance umbrella of Renegade Wing, and look forward to even more success on their end.
Also, due to the ferocity with which the Imperial Remnant has been fighting, we have decided to activate the 39th New Republic Training Squadron, dubbed "The Raiders". They will be housed on the FRG Regis, under the keen tutelage of Captains Maddic Chread and Retzel Ugget. I've approved their request to bring a remedial skills officer along, so please also welcome Lt. Rokara Dene aboard as well. We look forward to the recruits this training squadron turns out, as they will have a front-row seat to the most effective Wing in the New Republic.
The full list of new additions will follow my signature in this message.
From the desk of the Sabre Squadron OC:
I'm well aware the news from General Firth was lengthy and mostly welcome, and I don't want to take up too much of your time with the latest round of Squadron Citations. The members below have earned one or more Citation devices (in order of rank):
- Lt. Col. 9-LOM "Syntax" has earned a device for his detailed report on an old mission, titled "One for the Money".
- Major Chris "Animal" Stephen has earned one device for the creation of bios for Shifty, Mother, and Gramps.
- Major Myke "Wolf" Krenn has earned a device for his contributions on Ghostfire, Always a Rogue, and The Fires of the Rebellion.
- Major Andy "Bulldog" Clark has earned two devices, one for his contributions to Alderaan, Life Day, and Defects Detected, and the other ribbon for the creation of bios for Beast, Cyclops, and Ugly.
- Captain Adam "Guardian" Burns has earned one device for his contributions to Life Day, Shakedown, and the creation of Kaadu's bio.
- Captain Rosk "Silence" Vikeron has earned a whopping three devices! Two for her detailed reports on the history of Skull Squadron: Defects Detected and Divided. Her last device is for the creation of bios for Boomer, Grannies, and Puddles.
- Captain John "Knight" Vorwald has earned two devices. One is for his tireless efforts to convert our Boiling Point chapters into an epub format, and the other is for the creation of bios for Happy, Plug, and Mesh.
- Captain Conall "Shadow" McKenna has earned a device for his contribution to Life Day, the creation of Turbo's bio, and his consistent presence in the POV editing room.
- 1st Lt. Brennan "Rainman" Roth has earned a device for his detailed Debrief, as well as the creation of bios for Limmie and Bonehead.
- And last but not least, 1st Lt. Jeni "Angel" Courtner has earned a device for her contributions to Dangerous Love and Life Day, and the creation of a bio for Pops.
Hold fast! I know this is generally the part of the meeting where we all rush off to run up the drink tab of those that have been recognized, but there is one more piece of business to handle. The pilots below have gone above and beyond in the eyes of Command Staff in contributing toward the detailed after-action reports surrounding our time on Toseng.
As a reminder, pilots can earn one of three ribbons based on the number of their Toseng lore contributions. 1-2 contributions earns a teal ribbon with bronze star. 3-4 contributions earns a purple ribbon with silver star. 5+ contributions earns a black ribbon with gold star. Now, go on and run up those bar tabs!
1 May 22
- The Battle of Toseng is in full pitch. All throughout the city and the surrounding skies, the Renegades are engaged in a life and death struggle. Losses are mounting at an alarming rate. Can they hang on and pull through? Will any of them survive to see the end of the fight? Continue the exciting story in Boiling Point Episode Six by Frosty, Lock, et. al, in the Theater (and in epub)!
24 Apr 22
- It's not all blasters and explosions when you join Renegade Wing! Take a look at how a Freak spends his downtime when he's not strapped to his Corsair Squadron rocket couch in A Missing Piece of Kit by Freak, in the Lounge now!
17 Apr 22
- The Battle of Toseng has officially begun. What was a simmering cold war has suddenly devolved into conflagration of epic proportions! Jalb and the Rogues attempt to get the CRV Anti-Venom to the ground safely so they can provide aid to the suffering populace of the planet. Elsewhere, the rest of Renegade Wing is engaged all across the planet. Continue the story in Boiling Point Episode Five by Frosty, Lock, et. al, in the Theater (and in epub)!
10 Apr 22
From the desk of Animal - Buccaneer Leader:
It's my pleasure to welcome 2nd Lieutenant Bakk "Wildcard" J'ruce into the ranks of Buccaneer Squadron. He slides smartly into Buccaneer Four billet. His TUG piloting skills will be invaluable in our mission to destroy Imperial capital ships. Welcome to the squadron Wildcard, let's break out the good stuff!
4 Apr 22
- Another week, another new XO for the Skulls, and this one is a doozy. Will they be able to stick it out this time, or will Skull Squadron be on the market for another new XO sooner rather than later? Find out in Skull Saga 2: Divided by Silence, in the Lounge now!
27 Mar 22
- A time-sensitive mission to extract important cargo from wreckage on Hoth puts Syntax in a hard spot. Can he make it it time? Take a look and also find out how he earned his (in)famous callsign in The Big Chill by Syntax, restored from the archives in the Lounge now!
20 Mar 22
- Every rebel has a story. Why wonder how Buccaneer Leader made his way to the Rebellion when you can read his after action report directly! Read the tale of his harrowing defection and escape from Coruscant in Animal's Tale, restored from the archives and in the Lounge now!
6 Mar 22
- The next exciting installment of Boiling Point has been released in the theatre! Peace talks begin between the New Republic and Empire to decide the fate of Toseng. In the background, malicious forces bring about their terrible endgame, plunging the entire system into chaos. Catch all of the action in Boiling Point Episode Four by Frosty, Lock, et. al. Don't forget, you can download the epub, thanks to Knight, from the Theatre page for your offline consumption.
27 Feb 22
- Ever wonder where the Vigilant found its resident 2-1B medical droid? Before Cutter got here, he was onboard the Redemption, fortunately both Cutter and Dr Banarj were moved from the Liberty before the Battle of Endor and redeployed but before he was on the old Renegade Wing mothership, he was a medical droid on a remote outpost and was slated to be left behind during an evacuation. A chance encounter with Guardian changed both of their fates, as well as every Renegade since that Cutter has operated on! Get the good oil in Cutter's Tale by Guardian, restored from the archives and in the Lounge now.
25 Feb 22
From the desk of Spectre XO:
Once again, a pilot from the past has returned to join the Wing! A warm welcome back to former Red Leader "Spectre", now known as Second Lieutenant Jeff "Blixus" Mitchell, who'll be joining - appropriately enough - Spectre Squadron. Great to have you aboard in your new slot as Spectre 10!
Blixus was returned through the tireless efforts of Captain Moggaz "Barraken" Murg, who I've noticed has been busier than usual recently. There are rumours going round that there may be other veteran Renegades rejoining soon ... watch this space!
In the meantime, let's welcome Blixus by the time-honoured tradition of getting him to pay for all our drinks. To the SSD!
21 Feb 22
From the Desk of the Rogue OC:
We have cause to celebrate today as we issue the latest round of lore-related Squadron Citation ribbons!
- Major Myke "Wolf" Krenn has earned a ribbon for his contributions on Ghostfire, Always a Rogue, and his November 5k Challenge origin tale- The Fires of the Rebellion!
- Major Andy "Bulldog" Clark has earned a ribbon for his contributions to the Alderaan collection, Life Day Celebration, and various Taskforce personnel and ship biographies.
- Captain John "Knight" Vorwald, recently promoted to the Corsair Lore Officer, has earned a ribbon for his contributions to the Life Day Celebration, the newly minted bio for the wing training officer NPC, and his November 5k Challenge tale- Speculative Investments!
Also earning his first Squadron Citation Ribbon is Captain Moggaz "Barraken" Murg for his continued excellence in the field of SAR. Through his tireless and multi-pronged efforts, Barraken has continued to be the beacon shining in the darkness for our long lost comrades to find their way home!
Lastly, we have another addition to the theatre for your viewing pleasure! The tension in the Toseng system continues to build, threatening to boil over at any second. Tempers are flaring in Buccaneer Squadron, threatening to spill over into the rest of Renegade Wing! Elsewhere, the Rogues find themselves thrust into another impossible situation by their antagonistic CO, Admiral Tolden. On the ground, the True Loyalist Militia continue to prepare toward their ultimate endgame. Continue the story in Boiling Point Episode Three by Frosty, Lock, et. al, in the Theater (and in epub)!
14 Feb 22
From the Desk of the Sabre OC:
With the end of the most recent Renegade Wing challenge, it is my pleasure to announce the winners and participants for the Corsair AI Kills Challenge!
- Earning an Active-Window Participant ribbon are Frosty, Wildcard, Wolf, Lock, BattleDog, McSmell, Junior, Silence, Damak, Zippy, Animal, and Raptor!
- In 3rd place with a total of 83 kills is the team of Dragon and Bulldog, earning a bronze ribbon!
- In 2nd place with a total of 95 kills is the team of Syntax and Jalb, earning a silver ribbon!
- And finally, the top scoring team with an astounding total of 111 kills is the team of Thanatos and Foo!
Please give a healthy round of applause to our winners, and another round of applause to all pilots that took the time to partake in this challenge. Stay tuned in the coming months for the Rogue Challenge, and get your sim practice in now because it's a doozy!
- We're not done with the good news just yet. In honor of Fan Fiction February, there is a surprise week 3 fiction release in the Lounge for your viewing pleasure! Fan favorite Imperial pilots Poker and Joker return in Skull Saga Part 1: Defects Detected by Silence. They have officially defected and have been assigned to Skull Squadron onboard the CRS Vigilant! Unfortunately, their orientation is far from smooth as they struggle to come to grips with their new environment and comrades.
9 Feb 22
From the Desk of the Wing CO:
Once again I find myself in the pleasant position of recognising the efforts and contributions of the members of this remarkable Wing:
- The Order Of Merit is awarded to Captain Rosk 'Silence' Vikeron! This medal is given to those who demonstrate outstanding performance in a given area of expertise and contribute to the cause of the Alliance. Silence's graphics work, both in the production of new awards, ribbons and Squadron Logos as well as the outstanding work on updating our old medals while preserving the look and 'feel' of the original awards is most deserving of this recognition.
7 Feb 22
- The cold war on the planet of Toseng is heating up as both sides meet each other on the field of battle for the first time in the skies above the planet! On the ground, the agents of chaos continue to prepare for the complete takeover of the planet! Keep up with the action in the next installment of Boiling Point, available in the Theater (and in epub) now!
31 Jan 22
- Syntax is making a life as the anti-bounty hunter, but he continues to be confused with 4-LOM! In order to make the distinction clear in the eyes of everybody, he decides to put it all on the line to protect a rebel operative from harm, possibly finding his calling in the process! See how the machine we know and fear became a rebel in "One for the Money" by Syntax in the Lounge!
23 Jan 22
From the Desk of the Wing CO:
As my first real address since being permanently, and officially, appointed as Commander of the Renegades it is my absolutely pleasure to make the following awards:
- Awarded the Renegade Wing Defence Ribbon-Multi for earning Top Performance on the 'Defend the Liberty' mission in multiplayer proving the ability to work with a team to achieve outstanding results are:
- Captain Corell "Foo" Davis and
- 2nd Lieutenant Bakk "Wildcard" J'ruce
- LT COL 9-LOM "Syntax" is awarded the Buccaneer Challenge Ribbon-Silver Pips for his time 4:54 in a Post Challenge Run.
- The following Pilot has earned themselves two awards, both prestigious, both not often presented, and both very much deserved: Second Lieutenant Andika "Damak" Malim.
- Firstly, for his time of 7:01 on the X-Wing 'Satellites over Coruscant' Historical Mineracing Mission he is awarded the Iron Star!
- For his exemplary work in the procurement of the Wings Identification patches, showing a selfless dedication and contributing to the morale and good humor of the Wing, he is awarded the Legion of the Bright Star!
- And last, but by no means least, it is my utmost pleasure to present my first CO's Commendations to pilots that have shown what it is to be 'a Renegade' time and time again. Their behavior in and around the Wing is a reflection of the people they are, their advice and guidance to junior pilots, their upbeat attitude and constant, subtle, challenges to their pilots, and the C-Staff, to be better, improves the Wing as a whole. It is my very great privilege to award these commendations to:
Congratulations to all!
19 Jan 22
From the Desk of Rogue OC:
With his reinstatement to active flight Duty Rogue 8, 1st Lieutenant Brennan "Rainman" Roth has wasted no time in getting himself back up to Rogue standard, and in some cases above. Rainman has been engaging muscle memory and sharpening his skills and in the process has had a 7:22 Mineracing time flagged by the SIM OPs and confirmed by C-Staff. It is therefore my honour to award Rainman the Platinum Supernova!
17 Jan 22
- Even after Endor, the struggle against the Empire continues. After years of oppression, the people of Toseng prepare to participate in the first free elections since before the Clone Wars. The agents of the Empire have other plans, however. Intrepid reporter Yam "Sidda" Siddalla is on the ground covering the barely-contained anarchy as she attempts to show the galaxy the true struggle for democracy. Can the people of Toseng throw off their chains themselves? Find out in the first episode of Boiling Point, the next Renegade Wing Saga, in the Theater!
- Stepping back into the cockpit and full flying duties Rogue 8, Brennan 'Rainman' Roth has started recovering Tactical Operations database entries corrupted through the Liberty's destruction. Find his guide to the XvT Proton Torpedoes training mission in the XvT TO DB.
3 Jan 22
From the Desk of the Sabre OC:
While we've had some big (and very much welcome) news to kick off the new year, there are a few administrative updates for some other deserving pilots. The following pilots (in order of rank) have earned additions to their squadron citation ribbons.
- Colonel Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds has earned 1 citation for his contributions on Dance Dance Rebellion (via video!), Dangerous Love, and Shocked, Not Stirred.
- Lt. Col. 9-LOM "Syntax" has earned 1 citation for his contributions to Endor, Age of Paradox, and Life Day
- Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson has earned 1 citation for his contributions on Alderaan, Small Acts of Kindness, and Gone but not Forgotten
- Major Andy "Bulldog" Clark has earned 2 citations for his after action report on Always a Rogue, and his contributions to Age of Paradox, Jumping Blind, and Ashes of Bandit.
- Captain Roy "Lock" Callahan has earned 1 citation for his contributions on Always a Rogue, Past Dues, and Life Day.
- Captain Gemilan "Gremlin" has earned 1 citation for her contributions to Change in Command, The Fith Element, and Life Day.
- Captain Jack "Frosty" McCauley has earned 1 citation for his contributions to Dangerous Love, Age of Paradox, and Life Day.
- 2nd Lt. Andika "Damak" Malim has earned 1 citation for his exciting artistic endeavor on part 1 of the visual Cinder 2 Ashes comic.
- 2nd Lt. Bakk "Wildcard" J'ruce has earned 1 citation for his contributions to Tug Duty, Life Day, and Passion and Harmony.
Now that the administrative bits have been handled, please join me in the Lounge to enjoy the Renegade Wing Life Day Celebration, with contributions by Bulldog, Angel, Syntax, Gremlin, Damak, Gnoizic, Jalb, Knight, Wildcard, Rainman, Wolf, Foo, Zippy, Guardian, Battledog, Lock, Frosty, Silence, and Shadow!
1 Jan 22
Official Communication!
From the office of General Raymus Firth, Starfighter Command in conjuction with Admiral Gial Ackbar
- ATTN: Renegade Wing
Due to the recent loss of Rear Admiral Tolden to an unexpected terrorist attack on Toseng, Renegade Wing and the CRS Vigilant Taskforce needed a reshuffling to fill in the gap in "official" leadership. While both the offices of Starfighter Command and Fleet Command are fairly aware of the people running the day to day of the wing and taskforce for the past few months, officially Tolden was in charge of overseeing the entire show under Vice Admiral Arithen Vodani.
Rather than bring in an outsider to fill in this new gap in leadership, both of our offices feel that it is long overdue that we make the unofficial structure completely official. As such, Colonel Vince "Stryker" Rambo will henceforth be promoted to the rank of General, and will be in charge of the Vigilant Taskforce, subordinate only to Admiral Vodani during joint operations, otherwise fully in charge.
To fill in the gap left by General Rambo's promotion, we feel that it is only natural that Lt. Col. Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds be promoted to a full Colonel and be placed officially in charge of Renegade Wing.
We are aware that these two changes aren't really changes at all, and we expect little to no disruption to the day to day operation of the Vigilant Taskforce.
General Raymus Firth
Admiral Gial Ackbar
27 Dec 21
As promised last week, here are the rest of the November 5k challenge short stories! Take a look in the Lounge! Included in this release are stories by Gremlin, Lock, Loth-Cat, Rainman, Raptor, Dobber (X2), and Bulldog!
20 Dec 21
For the month of November, the Renegade Wing Lore team put forth a challenge to the writers to create a compelling story in 5000 words or less. Some writers finished with plenty of room to spare, while others needed every bit of that word limit to get their thoughts across. Take a look at part 1 of 2 of the November 5k Anthology release in the Lounge! Included in this release are stories by Wildcard, FLATTOP, Knight, Wolf, Guardian, Jalb, Bulldog, and Silence!
14 Dec 21
We've got a treat for all you Renegades, and Vigilant visitors, today courtesy of Spectre's Damak! You've read Cinder to Ash as a POV, now enjoy it in full color! This is just Part One of hopefully many to come, so let me be the first to congratulate Damak on such an amazing job! Just wow! Check out Damak's Graphic Novella adaptation of Cinder to Ash here!
13 Dec 21
From the desk of Corsair Lead:
- For sustained gallantry in service to the New Republic, and demonstration of Corsair Squadron and Renegade Wing ideals, First Lieutenant John "Knight" Vorwald is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain. Additionally, Captain Vorward is being appointed to the role of Corsair Squadron Lore Officer; I know he is looking forward to joining the Lore Team proper. Knight's participation and contributions to the Wing have been an example to the squadron, and I eagerly look forward to seeing what lies ahead in his obviously bright future. Please join me in celebrating by draining his bank account at the SSD!
In what is obviously a combination of multiple egregious clerical errors and gross oversight by all parties involved, Wolf's former manservant 1st Lieutenant Jack "Frosty" McCauley somehow managed to both apply for and get accepted to the vacant position of Corsair Squadron Executive Officer, and all of the duties, hardships, punishments and paperwork associated with it. While I'm not sure he has any idea what he has just gotten himself into, Frosty is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain and is relieved of his duties as Corsair Squadron Lore Officer, effective immediately. I haven't figured out what his beverage of choice is yet, but I can guarantee that it will be poured all over the floor repeatedly and often when I do. Let's all help him celebrate his questionable life decision at the SSD!
8 Dec 21
Leave it to a Rogue to go rogue! Having disappeared from the CRS Liberty before the Battle of Endor to go on a covert mission, 1st Lieutenant Brennan "Rainman" Roth finally returns to us. Want to know what he was up to? Well, that's classified, but we have reports that it might be revealed in an Anthology coming later this month... for now, though, let's concentrate on welcoming back our latest Rogue! Welcome home, Rogue 8! Drinks on Rainman!
6 Dec 21
Being 'Rogue Qualified' can be a double-edged sword. You get the reputation and respect, but you also may be called upon at the last moment to join the Rogues on the sort of mission only they can pull off. See what happens when Bulldog finds this out the hard way in Always a Rogue, by Bulldog with contributions from Lock and Wolf, in the Lounge!
3 Dec 21
Newly minted Spectre Lead, Wolf, has been quick to create X-wing vs. TIE Fighter requirements for Spectre Squadron for the non-SWS players among us or interested in enlisting. They are outlined here.
1st Lt. Sigurd "BattleDog" Stormhand has earned a Squadron Citation for his extremely detailed report on warhead efficacy, to be made available to the entire alliance soon.
1st Lt. Jack "Frosty" McCauley has earned a Squadron Citation for the report on his interesting trip down memory lane in Green as it Gets.
1 Dec 21
Growing pains are a part of life. They can be quite painful though, especially when they happen all at once. Take a look at the moment in time when Frosty was force to come to grips with his responsibilities, both professional and personal in Green as it Gets, by Frosty in the Lounge!
29 Nov 21
From the desk of the Wing CO:
Before precedings get taken over by Sabre OC I'd like to, briefly, acknowledge an oversight and belatedly award him the Veteran Service Ribbon, Gold device with Bronze Gilt Border. MaJ Andy "Bulldog" Clark earned this some time ago, in the lead up to the Battle of Endor, but with the loss of The Liberty administration and records were a little sketchy. This has now been rectified. Congratulations Bulldog.
From the desk of the Sabre OC:
There has been quite a bit of good news lately, so I'd like to keep the ball rolling. First, Sabre Squadron has finally settled on some joining requirements for X-wing vs. TIE Fighter for players that have not yet gotten into SWS. They are outlined here.
Next, it is my distinct pleasure to acknowledge all of the art we've seen adorning the walls of our Ready Room as of late. I especially enjoyed the art by Syntax, whom was kind enough to add an age statement to his doodles. The following members have earned a fancy new Inktober ribbon for participating (In order of Rank, not number of contributions):
- Lt. Col. Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds
- Lt. Col. 9-LOM "Syntax"
- Lt. Col. Chris "Animal" Stephen
- Major Myke "Wolf" Krenn
- Major Andy "Bulldog" Clark
- Captain Gemilan "Gremlin" (100% Participation!)
- Captain Roy "Lock" Callahan
- Captain Kell "Dragon" Arcfire (100% participation!)
- Captain Rosk "Silence" Vikeron
- 1st Lt. John "Knight" Vorwald
- 1st Lt. Sigurd "BattleDog" Stormhand
- 1st Lt. Jack "Frosty" McCauley
- 1st Lt. Kevin "Raptor" Clayborn
- 2nd Lt. Andika "Damak" Malim
- 2nd Lt. Marshall "FLATTOP" Westfolder
- 2nd Lt. Edwyn "Talon" KalDan
- 2nd Lt. Bakk "Wildcard" J'ruce
Please join me in giving a big round of applause to all of the participants, and a second round of applause for Lock for organizing the event for all to participate.
Last bit of business on my end before we can go drink in celebration of the new Spectre OC: Citation ribbon updates!
- Captain Roy "Lock" Callahan has earned another ribbon for his thorough contributions on Unbecoming an Officer, Yesterday, and Age of Paradox.
- Major Myke "Wolf" Krenn has earned another ribbon for his integral additions to Endor, Alderaan, and Dangerous Love.
- Captain Rosk "Silence" Vikeron has earned a ribbon for her important extensions to Age of Paradox, Dangerous Love, and the recently updated Skull Squadron biographies.
- 1st Lt. Jeni "Angel" Courtner has earned a ribbon for her extensive after-action report on Operation Ghostfire and the valor displayed by Spectre Squadron's pilots!
- Lastly, Captain Gemilan "Gremlin" has earned another ribbon for her tireless assistance on Dance Dance Rebellion, Age of Paradox, and Ghostfire.
Please stand and be recognized, pilots. Please step back toward the wall for... No no, this is totally normal. Please go back to the far wall. That's it...
Now, last one of you lot to make it to the SSD is buying the drinks for the night! GO!
28 Nov 21
From the desk of Spectre OC:
As my first act upon taking command of Spectre Squadron, I'm pleased to announce that Bakk "Wildcard" J'ruce is hereby promoted to 2nd Lieutenant. In the short time since Wildcard joined us, he's been enthusiastically involved in many projects not just on the discord or in game but in providing entertaining tales (tall and otherwise) and interesting company. In such a short time, he's even been assigned as Tug Maintenance Lead by Rogue Leader himself! Drinks on the newly minted L-T!
23 Nov 21
Change of Command - Orders issued, all pers to read and acknowledge appropriately.
- "By order of General Firth, Starfighter Command, effective immediately Major Myke Krenn is appointed Officer Commanding Spectre Squadron! Captain Gemilan shall retain Executive and I expect all personnel to provide their full support to the Squadron leadership going forward."
15 Nov 21
Many Renegade pilots come down with severe cases of food poisoning, and all signs point to Frosty as the culprit considering his prankster history. Will he get drummed out of the wing for finally taking things a giant leap too far? Find out in Dangerous Love, brought to you in the Lounge by Bulldog, Silence, Angel, Wolf, Jalb and Frosty!
From the desk of the Sabre OC:
It has come to my attention that one of our long-lost pilots that was recently recovered and rejoined the wing has a proclivity for keeping people alive. As such, please join me in welcoming Capt. Adam "Guardian" Burns officially home where he belongs, in the Sabre Three billet. As Sabre and Mainstay Three, he will most definitely be busy keeping the more reckless among us alive so we can take the fight straight to the heart of the Empire as we continue to work toward purging their oppression from the galaxy!
While this may be a tradition from my days as the Buccaneer executive officer, please make sure you run up a tab in the SSD on his account, but also make sure he drinks his fill as his first assignment with Sabre! First one to get him to lose control of his legs gets a pour from my private stash!
Welcome Back Guardian!
6 Nov 21
As Sabre Squadron OC, it is my great pleasure to bestow the Strikeforce Battle Star upon Captain Moggaz "Barraken" Murg.
This award is given to individuals who demonstrated an exceptional ability to help others. Only individuals with constant presence and quick reactions are awarded the Strike Force Battle Star. I felt, and the entirety of the Renegade Wing Command group agreed, that Barraken exhibits every bit of these qualities and is thus deserving to be the third person in the 25+ year history of the group to earn this award. Through his work maintaining the Cantina facebook group to keep everybody in touch during the barren years and the supreme effort he undertook to get the Sov going and rallying lost members, he has earned this ribbon.
Not one to rest on his laurels, he has continued to undertake the very challenging task of hunting for more lost members, utilizing all manner of tools at his disposal (including snail-mail letters!), as well as keep all personnel apprised of the latest in tactics from other units all over the galaxy in our fight against the Empire.
I wish for everybody to stand and recognize Barraken for his excellence and continued efforts to increase our fighting capacity.
1 Nov 21
A mysterious artifact causes a droid uprising onboard the Vigilant. Can the organics manage to turn the tide back in their favor, or will they all perish in a cloud of metal and fire? Take look for yourself as we close out the spooky season with "Age of Paradox", a pass-along POV project by Lock, Frosty, Talon, Bulldog, Dragon, Silence, Gremlin, and Syntax!
25 Oct 21
- Spectre Squadron has arrived right in the thick of battle, but were they too late? Each pilot of the newly formed squadron must push themselves to the brink in order for the mission to succeed and to rescue the defecting Imperials and the civilians under their care. Will all of them survive? Will any come out unscathed? See for yourself in Part 2, the exciting conclusion of Ghostfire by Angel, Wolf, and Gremlin, in the Lounge!
18 Oct 21
- The Spectres are launched on a last minute mission to rescue defecting Imperial forces and the civilians under their care. Spectre has a long way to go before they are a cohesive and battle-hardened unit. Will their collective experience alone be enough to see them through? See for yourself in Ghostfire Part 1 in the Lounge, by Angel with contributions from Gremlin and Wolf!
11 Oct 21
- The galaxy is a large and often mysterious place. Kicking off our October fiction release is a tale straight out of the classic horror holovids of yore. The crew of the CRS Vigilant undertake a mission to the Zavian Abyss, and things go horribly awry. Only the intrepid actions of Dragon and his antagonistic NRI investigator stand in the way of total carnage! Take a look for yourself in The Kaf out of Hyperspace, in the Lounge!
4 Oct 21
Ok, settle down people, we've got a lot to go through here...
From the Desk of the Renegade Wing XO:
We would like to announce the arrival of an embedded combat correspondent within the Vigilant Taskforce. Reporter Yam "Sidda" Siddala will be with us for the foreseeable future documenting the travails and tribulations of our personnel alongside the victories and painstaking gains we make in the war against the Imperial Remnant. Please welcome her with open arms, but keep in mind she is a civilian and not privy to sensitive materials.
From the Desk of Buccaneer OC:
1st Lieutenant Kevin "Raptor" Clayborn has always been a hero in my book, but now it's official. His perseverance and growth in Fleet Battle exercises has earned him the Class-IV FDR medal for reaching Hero ranking. Round of drinks on him!
From the Desk of the Sabre OC:
- Last, and by no means least, the Vigilant undertakes a mission to the Zavian Abyss, and things go horribly awry. Only the intrepid actions of Dragon and his antagonistic NRI investigator stand in the way of total carnage! Take a look for yourself in The Kaf out of Hyperspace, in the Lounge!
27 Sep 21
- We're in the home stretch of Rogue Squadron tryouts, and the only thing standing in the way of the prospects and a Rogue billet are... the Rogues themselves. Can they come together and beat the Rogues at their own game? Can the lucky contenders survive their first live-fire mission? Catch the exciting conclusion of Rogue Choices by Dobber, now in the Lounge!
20 Sep 21
- Rogues play hard, but train even harder. Can Dobber and the rest of the Rogue prospects survive the rigorous regimen? See for yourself in "Rogue Choices Part 2" in the Lounge!
5 Sep 21
- Ever wanted to join the best of the best and fly with the men and women of Rogue Squadron? Take a look at the stringent training regiment Major Dobson underwent to earn his billet in "Rogue Choices Part 1", a three part expose on the training methods of the best damn pilots in the New Republic Navy.
3 Sep 21
From the desk of Corsair OC:
- In recognition of his continued excellence in engagement with the Renegade Wing Lore Team and assisting with a myriad of writing projects, as well as continued support and participation in Renegade Wing activities, 2nd Lieutenant Jack "Frosty" McCauley is hereby promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant. Drinks are on him, and may his wallet weather the storm that his bar tab is about to unleash upon it.
31 Aug 21
- After Red Squadron did the impossible in destroying the Death Star, they had to rebuild from nearly 100% losses. While in the process of re-filling their ranks, they are forced to evacuate their base. Lock and Gremlin get cut off from the rest of the Reds while Imperial forces close in! See the chaos unfold from multiple viewpoints of past and future Reds in Yesterday, now in the Lounge by Lock and Gremlin, with contributions by Angel, Battledog, Rogue, and Zippy!
28 Aug 21
From the desk of Rogue OC:
18 Aug 21
From the desk of the Sabre XO:
For heroic efforts to keep his fellow Renegades alive despite all their reckless flying and shenanigans, the following Sabre pilot has earned the Class-IV FDR ribbon:
- 1st Lt. Ikurrece "Zippy" Ojima
From the desk of the Sabre OC:
As much as I tried to shovel off this paperwork to my new XO, I couldn't bring myself to dump it all on her. Don't want to scare her off just yet. So here are the latest fleet battles ribbons for the rest of the wing.
- 2nd Lt. El "McSmell" Faustus has earned the Class-VI FB ribbon
- FO Bakk "Wildcard" J'ruce has earnd the Class-IV FB ribbon
The next two pilots have gone above and beyond the call of duty and ground their backsides off to earn the Class-III FB Ribbon for reaching Valiant rank:
- Lt. Col 9-LOM "Syntax"
- Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson
Before everybody runs to the SSD to run up a tab on these five pilots, there are a few administrative changes that need to be made known.
Joining the lore team as their squadrons' official lore officers are:
- 1st Lt. Kyle "Gnoizic" Mandal -- Buccaneer Squadron
- 1st Lt. Jeni "Angel" Courtner -- Spectre Squadron
Speaking of Lore updates, the following pilots have earned an update to their squadron citation ribbon for their recent after action reports!
- Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson has earned 1 more ribbon for Just Another Day, bringing him up to 7!
- Major Andy "Bulldog" Clark has earned 2 more ribbons for his work on Spaced Out and Dance Dance Rebellion, requiring leadership to create a 10 ribbon device!
(Leadership thinks Bulldog is creating ribbons for himself just to make leadership create new ribbons...)
The following four individuals are earning their very first Citation Ribbon!
- 1st Lt John "Knight" Vorwald has earned 1 citation for his contributions to Alderaan, Endor, and some NPC and ship bios
- 1st Lt. Kyle "Gnoizic" Mandal has earned 1 citation for his contributions to Endor, Payback by Payload, and an NPC bio for the taskforce
- FO Dion "Loth Cat" Ninx has earned 1 citation for their story Dion's Tale
- FO Bakk "Wildcard" J'ruce for his very first Renegade story, Jade 2 Down.
And one more thing!
Due to the tireless efforts of our long-range SAR team led by Barraken, Major Adam "Guardian" Burns has officially been found. The previous Buccaneer Leader has been working in the SAR field of his own as he temporarily left the snub cockpit and decided to save lives rather than take them. He has been returned to his rightful place in the executive Renegade Flight as Chief Instructor for our Support and SAR flights!
That is all. Go drink some booze on their credit!
15 Aug 21
- A daring, covert mission to capture an intact Star Destroyer is in motion, but Dobber is still reeling from a devastating loss and working with anything but a focused mind. On top of that, a brash recruit has joined Rogue Squadron and has been placed under his care by Jalb. Can he get it together to keep the reckless rookie alive while also ensuring the mission is a success? See for yourself in "Just Another Day in the Life" by Dobber, now in the Lounge!
02 Aug 21
- All Renegade Wing pilots and personnel have travelled a unique path to reach the unit. Wildcard's path unfortunately included friendly fire, capture, and escape. Catch the entire tale of how he found his way home in Jade 2 Down, in the Lounge!
27 Jul 21
- After the dicey approach to Skoth through the asteroid field, the Buccaneers have more surprises to deal with en route to their objective. Go to the Lounge for the exciting conclusion in Payback by Payload Part Two, by all of the Buccaneers!
25 Jul 21
From the desk of Buccaneer OC:
Placings and Time Awards:
- Silver Ribbon (2nd Place) MAJ Tony "Thanatos" Marco and CAPT Corell "Foo" Davis - 4:04 (55:57)
- Bronze Ribbon (3rd Place) LT COL Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds and MAJ Andrew "Dobber" Dobson - 4:17 (55:43)
- Ribbon with GOLD pips for being within 30 seconds of the winner is LT COL Chris "Animal" Stephen & CAPT Corell "Foo" Davis with 4:21 (55:39)
- Ribbon with SILVER pips for being within 60 seconds is Jalb and Thanatos with a 4:54 (55:06)
Team Participants
- LT COL Chris "Animal" Stephen & Major Myke 'Wolf' Krenn - 5:32 (54:28)
- 2nd LT Edwyn "Talon" KalDan & 2nd LT Marshal "FLATTOP" Westfolder - 5:58 (54:02)
- LT COL 9-LOM "Syntax" & 1st LT Sigurd "BattleDog" Stormhand - 6:01 (53:59)
- 2nd LT El "McSmell" Faus'tus & 1st LT Ikurrece "Zippy" Ojima - 6:23 (53:37)
- 2nd LT Jack "Frosty" McCauley & Flight Officer Bakk “Wildcard” J'ruce - 6:40 (53:20)
- 2nd LT Andika "Damak" Malim & 2nd LT El "McSmell" Faus'tus - 7:22 (52:38)
Regardless of time, to complete this challenge, in and of itself, is an achievement and all, particularly the new Junior pilots, have shown true Renegade Spirit and punched above their weight. Celebrations are in order!.
22 Jul 21
From the desk of Sabre OC:
- For his efforts in flying with and training new pilots in the arts of Renegade Wing coordination and tactics, 1st Lt. Ikurrece "Zippy" Ojima has been named the Sabre Squadron Training Officer to go along with his recent promotion to 1st Lieutenant. We are excited to see the gains our pilots make in aggressively maneuvering the wing's utility craft under his tutelage!
- Further, for her continued excellence and skill in fabricating images, Captain Rosk "Silence" Vikeron is awarded a fifth Squadron Citation for her efforts on the multitude of ribbons she's created recently. I would like to especially highlight the sabre squadron patch she created, which is perfection:
 Drinks on her!
21 Jul 21
From the desk of Corsair XO:
From the desk of Sabre OC:
- Mercy flight is finally complete as the long lost SAR pilot of the original Renegade Wing task force has found his way home. 1st Lt. Rafael "Hyl" Guerra has returned to active duty status and filled the Sabre 8 billet, making him Mercy 4. His previous skills and experience will be a boon to the new iteration of the wing's SAR detachment. Being the first new addition since the initial raising of Sabre Squadron, drinks are on him until the next recruit joins!
18 Jul 21
- Hot off the heels of the raucous welcome party for Wolvinator into Buccaneer Squadron, they are selected for a strike mission with the aim of destroying important war materiel. Unfortunately, the condition the pilots are in would be generously called "operational" from their long night of partying. Can they pull it off? Take a look and find out in Payback by Payload part 1, a Buccaneer collaboration, in the Lounge!
12 Jul 21
Official Communication!
From the office of General Raymus Firth, Starfighter Command
- ATTN: Renegade Wing
The New Republic has taken possession of the first 12 of 36 Incom UT-60D U-wing starfighters to come off the production line since before the Battle of Yavin. Fleet have ordered Renegade Wing's current allocation of 5 U-Wing be returned for refit and redistribution. In return Renegade Wing will receive this first tranche of 12 starfighters so they may go, in Fleet's words "to where they will be most effectively used". This is an 80% increase in capacity and has required some Command restructure to allow the Wing to utilise this capability to full potential. Effective immediately:
- Sabre Squadron is raised to full combat status and all 12 new U-Wing are assigned as operational assets.
- The following personnel are to change billets, and rank insignia, immediately and Squadron Command Staff are to comply with orders extant for compartment briefings:
- Sabre Lead - Mainstay One: Maj Andy "Bulldog" Clark - Squadron OC
- Sabre Two - Mainstay Two: Capt Rosk "Silence" Vikeron - Squadron XO
- Sabre Five - Mercy One: 1st LT Ikurrece "Zippy" Ojima
- Sabre Six - Mercy Two: 2nd Lt Namieh "Tattoo" Calyse
- Sabre Seven - Mercy Three: Capt Moggaz "Barraken" Murg
- Sabre Nine - Mayhem One: Capt Conall "Shadow" McKenna
- Sabre Ten - Mayhem Two: 1st LT Mitch A."Rev" Ri'chard
- Sabre Eleven - Mayhem Three: 1st LT Josh "Hellcat" Kinney
Its not often a Wing gets to raise a new Squadron, and two is unherad of but it shows the faith Fleet, and the New Republic, have in Renegade Wing. On an occasion such as this, whatever tab you miscreants manage to run up in the SSD tonight, Command has got you covered. Congratulations to the newly promoted, and indeed all members of Renegade Wing, thank you for your continued efforts and enjoy the celebrations!
8 Jul 21
Official Communication!
From the office of General Raymus Firth, Starfighter Command
- ATTN: Renegade Wing
Be advised, fleet is aware of a deficiency in Renegade Wing, particularly in Buccaneer Squadron and we are taking steps to rectify this issue. Buccaneer is a unit that has upheld it's swashbuckling namesake from the early days of the Rebellion and has been the Power Punch behind the tip of the Rogue Spear. The Capital ship cost to the Empire from Buccaneer actions was not inconsiderable and those missing ships, had they been at Endor, would have painted a grim picture for us, but I digress, we have a deficiency to address:
Major Chris 'Animal' Stephen has been at the helm of Buccaneer since LT COL Tolle handed in his wings after the events following Endor. Maj Stephen had been Buccaneer XO for some time previous to that after transferring from Rogue Squadron where he had a long and storied career.
Maj Stephen has performed his duties as Squadron OC with diligant professionalism and has been a fitting role model to the ranks of heavy pilots coming into the system. It is my priviledge to announce that Lieutenant Colonel Stephen will be continuing to carry out those duties.
As is the way with you Renegades, Drinks are on the Lieutenant Colonel.
7 Jul 21
From the desk of Buccaneer OC:
- Renegade Wing members. I have spent the last couple of weeks traveling the galaxy looking for the next XO of Buccaneer squadron. This person needed to have flight skills, leadership experience, dashing good looks (but not too dashing) and the ability to lift heavy things, specifically datapads filled with duty rosters and performance results. I am confident that I've found the right man for the job. Please help me welcome the new Buccaneer XO, and newly promoted, Captain Corell “Foo” Davis.
- Although our roster may change Buccaneer Squadron continues to grow! Proving that deep space communications aren't always broken, Kevin “Raptor” Clayborn has made contact and answered the call for continued service to the New Republic. First Lieutenant Raptor will join Renegade Wing as Buccaneer 9 and his Capital Ship destruction skills will immediately be tested.
Please join me in extending Raptor a Warm Welcome and congratulating Foo, in The SSD! Where, of course, drinks are on them!!
5 Jul 21
- What do you do when the ship goes into emergency quarantine? Virtual dance-off, of course! Catch the Renegades with the best moves in: Dance Dance Rebellion by Bulldog and Gremlin, with a video contribution from Rogue Leader to model his own moves! Available for your occular ingestion in the Lounge now!
3 Jul 21
From the data banks of Corsair OC:
- In recognition of his extensive time spent training new recruits and showing them how to fly the Renegade Wing way, 2nd Lieutenant Sigurd "BattleDog" Stormhand has been assigned as the Corsair Squadron Training Officer. In addition to this new assignment, he as been promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant, effective immediately. Let's help him celebrate his additional paperwork and decreased free time by draining his bank account at the SSD!
29 Jun 21
The low murmur of conversation in the hall subsided as the side door swooshed open and Stryker strode in. Jalb_k broke from the clutch of OC's where he'd been talking with Krayt, Syntax and Animal and walked over to the lectern. He barked a quick 'Ten -SHUN!' With a quick glance at the assembled pilots, officers and enlisted beings to ensure everyone had braced appropriately then snapped a crisp salute and held it until Stryker returned it with his usual laconical wave that hovered near his forehead for a moment. Jalb swiped his arm back down by the shortest route to the position of attention at his side and spoke.
"Sir, Renegade Wing is assembled, all Squadrons report complete."
"Thanks Chris, take a seat" Stryker said as he moved to the lectern and tapped a couple of times before looking up, "Ok, at ease everyone, it's been a busy couple of weeks and we've got a lot to go through..." he turned to look at the screen behind him "Firstly, the Vigilant's inaugural inter Wing Tournament has wrapped up, the Top Gun 2v2. You can find full results posted on the Wing Admin Board but I'd like to recognise the winners here. A round of applause for Rogue OC and XO if you please." There was an audible groan and a smattering of polite applause. Stryker guffawed and spared a glance back at Jalb, who shrugged and smiled.
"Yes, I know, hardly fair for anyone coming up against that pairing but someone stood tall and held their own, and some, in the series." Stryker paused and scanned the crowd and smiled when his eyes settled on Corsair 8. "2nd Lieutenant Sigurd "BattleDog" Stormhand... That was some of the best flying I've seen to date - right up to the part where you got killed!" The assembled pilots broke into laughter, hearing the line from one of startfighter commands favourite holos."That notwithstanding, you were one of 2 non Rogue qualified pilots in the final 8, and the only one to make the final. You acquitted yourself well, so well that Rogue Lead has had a word to me. As everyone is aware there are certain experiences and training milestones that a pilot must hit to be considered for Rogue selection. Your conduct and performance in the Tournament may have checked a couple of those boxes." He finished with a wink to Battledog.
"Right, moving on..." he glanced down to his pad, "Welcome Flight Officer Bakk “Wildcard” J'ruce! Wildcard has been assigned to Spectre Squadron, and will be taking on the twelfth slot." More applause and some whistles from other Spectres. "Wildcard joins Spectre fresh from Flight training and I'm told we need to keep him in X-Wings with an R2 for the time being because he can't navigate for shiv." This was met with a good deal of laughter and the new pilot felt elbows in the ribs from both sides.
"We have also received an interesting technician to be the lead of our new U-Wing maintenance team. Please welcome PLNK-M03, colloquially known as 'Snorp'" Stryker chuckled as he looked back at Jedi "which, according to the Wing XO's notes, is due to the sound this unit makes during operation. With the expertise in Incom starfighter maintenance and modifications aimed at maintenance, Snorp will be a vital part of keeping our fleet of U-Wings at peak operational capacity. We will shortly welcome the newcomers by going to the SSD and grabbing a drink while also pitching in for an oil bath!" This was met with cheers.
"However, before we dash off, we have one final task. Animal?" Stryker stepped back from the podium and pulled a small box from his pocket as the Buccaneer OC stepped up.
"Captain Andy "Bulldog" Clark, get up here!" Heads turned towards Bulldog as he sat with a dumbfounded 'I didn't do it' look on his face. "The CO is waiting 'dog." Animal said with a smile and started speaking again as Bulldog made his way up from the back of the auditorium.
"Captain Clark has been, until recently, Executive Officer of Buccaneer, my 2IC and a damn good friend. Bulldog is stepping down from XO to further his study into Fleet Operations but..." Animal looked up to see Bulldog had found his way up front and was standing in front of Stryker, who looked over and nodded to Animal. "Capt Clark is awarded the first Renegade Wing CO's Commendation! This Commendation is awarded only at the discretion of the CO and is awarded to recognize deeds or activities beyond the demand of normal duty." At this Stryker stepped forward and pinned a new badge to Bulldog's uniform, top and centre to his ribbon bar:
The inscription reads 'Renegade Wing - For Excellence' and is what Bulldog has displayed and is to recognize:
- His time as Bucc XO
- His ongoing work as Lore Master
- The recruits he has brought through and mentored
- The effort put into getting the 2v2 off the ground
- The work he's done to fill out the Task Force and supporting NPC creation, and
- Stepping up to understudy the Webmaster to the point where he can effectively maintain in their absence.
28 Jun 21
- Even in the Alliance, something so simple as a reshuffling of resources and units could sometimes be a heroic undertaking. Lock, Frosty, and Flash of the recently decimated Red Squadron learned this the hard way when their simple excursion ended up with a blown-up transport, commandeered Y-Wings, and surprise additions to the squadron. See the full story in: Unbecoming an Officer by Flash, Lock, and Frosty in the Lounge!
24 Jun 21
From the desk of Spectre XO, Captain Gemilan "Gremlin":
- Spectre Squadron's pilots have a broad range of skillsets, all the better to take the fight to the Imperials! They don't come much broader than the background of our newest pilot, Second Lieutenant Andika “Damak” Malim, who's taking the billet of Spectre 11. Head to the SSD to give him the usual Renegade Wing welcome - Krayt's offered to stand the first round!
11 Jun 21
From the cluttered desk of the Buccaneer XO:
With the rest of the CStaff busy doing the important mission planning and all of my strategies being "go in straight with all the warheads and smash them" not being viable, I have been left to my own devices and given a task to keep busy. Here are the pilots that have earned Squadron Citations for their work in keeping up the morale and updating the wing databanks with after-action reports.
Buccaneer has two recipients this time around.
- Animal has earned a citation for his work in writing Warm Welcome for outlining how all new pilots should be welcomed to the wing.
- Bulldog has earned a citation for co-writing Idiot's Array, reminding us all why Bothans are just the worst. He has also earned a citation for Gutshot, his story of why he went AWOL and how he got punished for it.
Rogue has two recipients as well.
- Lock is due 1 citation for co-writing Idiot's Array, making sure we all go to sleep feeling the legs of massive blaster resistant murder spiders on our minds.
- Jalb is due 1 citation for contributing to Idiot's Array as well as two separate parts of Defend the Vigilant, showing how stoic leadership can carry the day.
Corsair has only 1 recipient this time around.
- Silence is due 1 citation for co-writing Gutshot, outlining her efforts to bring the wayward Bulldog back home safe and sound.
Spectre is also included with 1 pilot earning TWO ribbons.
- Gremlin has earned a citation for her work on the Ready Room Tale as well as her I, Gemi tale, showing us where she came from and also reminding us how we got the sweet digs we're currently chilling in onboard the Vigilant. She also has earned a citation for writing the Mynock's Last Stand, refreshing our leadership on how Red Squadron came to be in possession of their last warship, the CRS Morning Star.
All of these pilots are doing great work keeping the rest of us up to date on the missions we personally weren't a part of!
04 Jun 21
From the offices of the Renegade Wing Executive:
- Congratulations to Flight Officer Ikurrece “Zippy” Ojima in earning a citation for his exemplary work representing Renegade Wing abroad by attending WoW. While we're all here primarily for fun and each other's companionship we take our core ideals seriously and Zippy has done the Wing proud. Well done!
- We would also like to welcome Moggaz "Barraken" Murg to the wing as Mercy Three. His vast contributions in the SAR field to find and rescue so many lost pilots has ensured our ranks are never empty, as it is almost always assured Murg will find our EV pilots and bring them home whole. Due to his past service record he has been conferred the rank of Captain. Please welcome him home the only way we know how... by running up his tab in the SSD!
Lt Colonel Bill "Jedi" Morrison, Renegade Wing XO"
From the desk of Rogue OC, LTCOL Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds:
- Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson is awarded the first Fleet Defence Ribbon Class III for achieving Valiant in Star Wars: Squadrons ranked Fleet Battle. Dobber becomes the second highest ranked Wing pilot, and the first to attain the Class III FDR (after Thanatos bypassed it completely on his way to Legend and Class II). The Major can afford a substantial tab so let's impress Iggy!
From the desk of Buccaneer OC, MAJ Chris "Animal" Stephen:
- In recognition of their contributions to the wing in writing, flight ops, and consistent lounge activity, I hereby promote Flight Officer Dion “Loth-Cat” Ninx to Second Lieutenant. While they do not partake in alcohol (we Buccs are well aware of this and begrudgingly allow it), Blue Milks are on them!
From the desk of Corsairr OC, LTCOL 9-LOM "Syntax":
- For his continued contributions and positive participation in Renegade Wing activities, as well as sustained demonstraitions of what it means to be a pilot in Corsair Squadron (read into this however you wish), it is with great pride that Flight Officer Malcom “Freak” MacCurrich is promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. Please help him test his budgeting skills by pushing his finances to the limit with a healthy bar tab.
From the desk of Spectre OC, LTCOL Alrick "Krayt" Durgan:
- I am pleased to announce that Spectre Squadron's very own Marshal "FLATTOP" Westfolder is hereby promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant; having served faithfully and actively within Renegade Wing; lending both his support and strike skills; and quick wit as the occasion demands. We are pleased to see his progress within the Wing and look forward to what's ahead.
Please join me in congratulating FLATTOP on his promotion, and enjoy a drink on his tab.
31 May 21
- Sex, booze, rock and roll? A Jedi craves not these things... but a young Bulldog does. The past has a funny way of pulling the strings on your future. See what kind of mess Bulldog's past gets him into in part 1 of "Gutshot", a 2 part story by Bulldog and Silence in the Lounge.
25 May 21
From the desk of Rogue OC, LTCOL Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds:
- Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson is awarded the SWS Clasp to his Rogue Service Medal to recognise completion of Rogue Requirements-SW:Squadrons. Dobber is the second serving Rogue, after Thanatos, to achieve this clasp.
Dobber has also upgraded his Veteran Service Ribbon - Diamond Pip with a Gold Gilt Border, denoting completion of 80% of the XvT Balance of Power Rebel combat missions with at least top performances.
- I've also been informed by the Corsair XO that his Clanker OC had tasked him with uploading his qualification for Gold Gilt Border of his Elite Service Ribbon - Diamond Pip to Wing HQ. In their absence I'll not stand on formality afix this shiny new restraining bolt... I mean, Ribbon, to Corsair OC, Syntax
Congratulations are in order, and drinks are on them.
- Nowadays people tend to forget that the early days of the Rebellion were ramshackle cells and squadrons working alone with whatever tools they had at hand. Some units fared better than others; some had the unfortunate series of circumstances that made their current situations untenable yet also the wildly good fortune to find the exact thing they needed to keep taking the fight to the Empire. See the humble home of Red Squadron and how they managed to upgrade after a wild twist of fate in "The Mynock's Last Stand" in the Lounge, modified and edited for publication by Gremlin!
17 May 21
- We've all had that one person that we've known all our lives and have felt a strong connection with. See what happens when Corsair Squadron's XO runs into that person to him during the festivities on Endor after the destruction of the Second Death Star in Farewell to Yesterday, now in the Lounge complements of Wolf!
10 May 21
- Extreme Makeovers! Who loves them? Well, to be honest, who doesn't... but ever wondered how the Vigilant got such an... interesting Ready Room? The newest ship in the fleet with a Ready Room that looks as well used and permanent looking as the Vigilant's doesn't come from a tradesman's tools, it needs a little heart with a sprinkling of soul. Read all about Gremlin and Talon's hijinkery and inventive manipulation of directives and orders in The Tale of the Ready Room! Now in the Lounge!
2 May 21
- The Buccaneers pride themselves on courage and operating under extreme circumstances. Consider the following an in-depth look at one of the more unorthodox team building methods honed throughout the years by Animal in Warm Welcome! Now in the Lounge!
26 Apr 21
- When we left Lock and Bulldog, they were stranded on a hostile planet. Will they find a way to escape? Will they be rescued? Will they be eaten by massive spider monsters? Catch the exciting conclusion of Idiot's Array in the Lounge!
19 Apr 21
- It's a dangerous life as an X-Wing pilot. Many choose to leave family behind, to stop them from getting hurt. But every now and then, when a pilot gets lucky, they get a chance to go home. Enjoy this tale from Renegade Wing's Spectre XO, Gremlin!
14 Apr 21
Official Communication!
From the office of General Raymus Firth, Starfighter Command
As most of you are well aware your Wing hosts one of the New Republic's greatest assets, Rogue Squadron. To say the existence of our New Republic is due in no small part to these pilots would be saying too little but oft times not enough is said. Rogues are exemplar, gracious victors and compassionate warriors, ruthless when required but it's not just in the cockpit they make a mark. They are teachers and trainers, freely giving of their time, when available, and experience. With that goes strong leadership by example, there's a reason that all your Wing OCs are Rogue qualified; and that is the crux of this communique.
Starfighter Command has long leant on the qualities and capabilities of Rogue Squadron personnel and as much as those pilots are recognised with that patch on their flightsuit when they move on much is classified, filed away and recognition wanes. That changes with the introduction of the Rogue Service Medal. This medal recognises the service and qualities of those that have earnt Rogue selection and clasps are issued for the the phases of the war at which they earnt, and flew as a Rogue. The list of recipient's is impressive but we don't need to write it down, just look for the ribbon on their chest, you'll know who they are.
 
12 Apr 21
- Shore Leave is looming for Renegade wing after the Vigilant Task Force narrowly survived the ambush chronicled in the Defend the Vigilant Theatre release. Everybody is looking forward to some much-needed time off the line. However, ghosts of the past have a habit of coming back to torment you, especially when that ghost is your ex-CO who hasn't forgotten your insubordination. See how Lock and Bulldog unwillingly take one for the entire wing in "Idiot's Array Part 1" in the Lounge, by Lock and Bulldog, with contributions from Battledog.
11 Apr 21
From Officer Commanding Buccaneer Squadron
- It is with great pleasure that I report the successful transfer of Lieutenant Corell “Foo” Davis into the ranks of Buccaneer Squadron. He has shown a high aptitude for teamwork, leadership, and Capital Ship Assault. He will now be known as Buccaneer 10. Raise a glass in welcome, if there is any left.
Welcome Foo!
7 Apr 21
From the desk of Buccaneer XO
Yep, me again...While the rest of the CStaff is drinking their way through to a hangover in celebration of Rogue Leader's recent award, it has fallen to the most experienced drinker in the wing to maintain functionality enough to get wing business done. To that end, the following pilots have earned the Class-IV FDR ribbon for their efforts in the fight against the Empire:
Also, earning his first wing ribbon ever is FO Ikurrece “Zippy” Ojima, earning a Class-V FDR ribbon.
Also in line for recognition are the pilots that are busting their backsides to make sure Renegade morale continues to remain high during these trying times. As such, the following pilots are most deserving of Squadron Citations:
Please join me in the SSD with the rest of the CStaff and drink to their success... on their dime!
6 Apr 21
5 Apr 21
- Everybody in the galaxy didn't know about the war raging between the Empire and Rebel Alliance. Many people on smaller backwater planets had no idea. See what happens when one such person is caught up in the war they knew nothing about in "Dion's Tale", the Origin story of Buccaneer Three, Loth-Cat!
4 Apr 21
- From CO Renegade Wing COL Vince "Stryker" Rambo:
There are times in the life of any group or organization when the membership as a whole must take a moment and thank those whose tireless efforts have made the group what it is today. From picking up the pieces from the previous webmaster; to maintaining the web presence of an inactive group over the better part of two decades – to then jumping back in feet first as soon as life came back into the group; picking things up like nothing has been missed – faithfully maintaining and establishing resources that allow Renegade Wing to function, communicate, attract and retain new members.
There isn't much more we can do than say “Thank you” to our Rogue Leader, Chris “Jalb_K” Reynolds – and – by unanimous agreement among the CO's and XO's of the group; award him our groups highest honor – The Star of Freedom! 
This award has not been given in many years – but there are few in our community who could ever claim to have given enough to deserve it. Please join me in raising a glass to Jalb in thanks for his tireless efforts on our behalf!
Special thanks to Corsair 12, Rosk "Silence" Vikeron, for her exceptional updated rendering of this award!
Webmaster footnote: I'm not crying, you're crying.
2 Apr 21
Official Communication!
From the office of General Raymus Firth, Starfighter Command
- ATTN: Renegade Wing
Lieutenant Corell “Foo” Davis has been acting Renegade Wing Fleet Liaison for several weeks and, according to reports from both HQ elements, has been doing a fine job. With recent operational successes and the liberation of several Imperial held sectors new subspace links have been enabled to support Military operations so the requirement for Fleet Liaisons is no longer and all current Liaison Officers have been recalled. Except for Lieutenant Davis.
With a long history of service to the Alliance with Green, Grey and Blue Squadrons under the DJO Fleet banner Lieutenant Davis has requested permanent posting to Renegade Wing which has been strongly supported by the leadership of that organisation. While DJO Fleet is unhappy losing a pilot of Lieutenant Davis' quality it is recognised that his skills and ability are better suited to the nature of Renegade Wing operations in our 'New Republic' and in light of vacancies aboard the Vigilant Lieutenant Corell “Foo” Davis is officially transferred to Renegade Wing Support Squadron as Sabre (Support) Lead.
Once again, Foo is 'the New Guy' and as is the tradition in Renegade Wing, drinks are on the New Guy.
28 Mar 21
- After a much needed break from the front lines while the Vigilant undergoes repairs, Frosty and Bulldog are sent off on a scouting mission in the Zavian Abyss. When they come back, they aren't sure what is real or what is fake. Come join us in The Lounge and experience the madness for yourself in "Spaced Out" by Bulldog and Frosty!
23 Mar 21 - Supplemental
- From Officer Commanding Rogue Squadron
As the OC of a front line fighting squadron it's imperative that you are able to read and sustain the morale of your unit. Sustaining that morale is far easier said than done however, having someone in a position to help and, indeed, proactively push to maintain your unit's good will is an absolute boon to your command. It's also the reason for the existence of the Legion of the Bright Star. The medal rewards those who raise the spirits of all New Republic personnel and is awarded to individuals who contribute to overall humor and good cheer.
For his continuing work and contributions towards maintaining the morale of Renegade Wing, and the NR as a whole, through his writing and editorial contributions, his selfless dedication to the Wing and general interactions throughout our media channels, it is my greatest pleasure to award Rogue Nine, and my good friend, Captain Roy "Lock" Callahan the Legion of The Bright Star. You may drink to his health... On his tab of course!
23 Mar 21
- From the desk of Buccaneer XO:
As the least senior XO in the wing, it has fallen to me to process a ton of backlogged paperwork. Settle in, as it'll be a long one.
- 2nd Lt Jack "Frosty" McCauley is awarded two Squadron Citations for his work on the tales "I'll Sleep When I'm Dead" and "Drunken Lullabies", as well as his immense contribution toward the group project "Cinder to Ash".
- Captain Kell "Dragon" Arcfire has earned his first Squadron Citation for "Dark Protocol" and "Defender", his two tales.
- Major Myke "Wolf" Krenn is awarded another Squadron Citation for writing an entire arc of Defend the Vigilant, "Wild Weasel".
- Captain Roy "Lock" Callahan is in line for four Squadron Citations! Due for his contributions to "Drunken Lullabies", "Alderaan Anthology", and "Bloody Bantha", as well as his writing "Consolidation and Loss", "Endor", and writing/organizing "Cinder to Ash".
- Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson is awarded one more Squadron Citation for his "Shore Leave" story.
- Lt. Col Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds is awarded another Squadron Citation for his writing credit on "Cinder to Ash".
- Lt Jeni "Angel" Courtner is awarded two Squadron Citations for her contributions on three arcs of the Defend the Vigilant storyline as well as her writing additions to "Cinder to Ash".
- and finally, Captain Gemilan "Gremlin" is presented a another Squadron Citation for her contributions to "Alderaan Anthology", "Cinder to Ash", and "Bloody Bantha".
While I lack the flowery prose that many of the other XO's or OC's have, these pilots are integral to the entertainment and morale of the entire wing. Drinks are on all of the pilots here for the next week!
22 Mar 21
- A new offering in The Lounge: When the chips were down after a disastrous mission, the survivors of the fledgling Bantha Squadron are forced to look within to find their own reasons to keep on fighting. For Lock, Gremlin, and Frosty, it is to honor those that were lost by becoming the next iteration of Red Squadron; to be the symbols of hope for the fragile Rebellion. Experience the loss and turmoil in "Bloody Bantha" by Lock, Gremlin, and Frosty.
16 Mar 21
- The Raid on Nabrisk is over and M-Base has been evacuated for fear of an Imperial reprisal. The Wing licks it's wound on Mon Cala, waiting to discover the fate of their leader. Check out Cinder to Ash's resolution in Episode IV. Remember, you can get caught up on previous Chapters, and other great episodicals, in The Theatre!
11 Mar 21
- Renegade Wing welcome Flight Officer Ikurrece “Zippy” Ojima to the RWSS as Mercy One. As a veteran SAR pilot, he's been pulling pilots out of burning wrecks for many years. Though he spent many of those years with the Empire, he now plans to be around to help pull us out when we get in trouble. Here's hoping his life aboard the Vigilant is nice and boring!
Welcome Zippy!
08 Mar 21
- Renegade Wing is home to some of the most talented pilots in the New Republic. As such, they are sometimes given a little more... leeway than other units. See what happens when a prank war gets out of control in "Bad Influence", by Corsair Squadron's own ne'er-do-well, Frosty.
6 Mar 21
From the desk of Rogue OC, LTCOL Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds:
- Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson continues his assault on Star Wars: Squadrons Campaign and is awarded the Platinum Clasp to his New Republic Starfighter Cross, The Platinum Clasp is a subsequent award for 100% completion of 'ALL' Campaign missions on Ace difficulty . It is inscribed with the words "Know Your Enemy" as it signifies the wearer is just as capable in an enemy ship.
Dobber has also upgraded the Device on his Veteran Service Medal to Diamond Pip for earning 100 Top Performances in XvT.
Congratulations are in order, and drinks are on him.
From the desk of Buccaneer OC, Maj Chris "Animal" Stephen:
- I have the genuine privilege to award Andy “Bulldog” Clark with a pair of squadron citations. Through his writing efforts, and those of others, he has put a strain on the wings supply of datapads with tales of intrigue and gallantry. His contributions include writing the tales “Hard days make harder nights” and “Failing Upward.” He was also a member of the writing team that brought you “Cinder to Ashes.”
But wait, there's more! Bulldog has dusted off the training sims of old and has qualified for the Red Squadron Advanced Training Ribbon through the Red Training Missions.
I have sliced his bar tab to buy everyone a drink on him, but make sure you stay hydrated while you read all these amazing stories!
01 Mar 21
- The Raid on Nabrisk goes ahead even with the Renegade's morale at it's lowest point. Jalb struggles between his duty to the New Republic and his duty to his pilots, as he attempts to protect them from the merciless General Shen'ryu, who would kill all of them just to get what he wants... Did the Renegades survive the Battle of Endor just to die here? Find out in Episode III of Cinder to Ash! Remember, you can get caught up on previous episodes and other great features at The Vigilant's Greater Five Theatre!
Additionally, Corsair XO slipped a note under the door of the Chief Clerk's office during the night... Apparently his OC has threatened his coffee ration and would like the Bridge staff to make the following correction:
- After Capt Arcfire, Syntax, Corsair OC was the second recipient of the Starfighter Cross (Date of Promulgation 20/02/21)
- Third recipient was Dobber, Rogue 3 (Date of Promulgation 22/02/21)
In the words of Corsair XO, that Spectre guy doesn't even rate a place...
28 Feb 21
From the desk of Rogue OC, LTCOL Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds:
- Fresh from overachieving in the Historic missions and to continue his personal battle with Captain Arcfire, Rogue 3, Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson is awarded the Wing's second New Republic Starfighter Cross, for having earned 100% of the avaialable Achievements in Star Wars: Squadrons on his platform.
From the office of Major Myke "Wolf" Krenn, Corsair XO:
- Renegade Wing has some of the most elite pilots in the Galaxy, but everyone starts somewhere. For his tireless efforts in training and engaging with recruits, 2nd Lt Siguard "BattleDog" Stormhand is hereby awarded a Squadron Citation Ribbon.
- LT COL 9-LOM "Syntax" continues to dazzle with his run through the old awards! It's like he's a machine!
With a Mineracing time of 7:13, Syntax has been awarded the Silver Sunburst!
Raise a glass of your favorite drink to Syntax!
(now stop it)
From Spectre XO, Captain Gemilan "Gremlin":
- Many congratulations to Second Lieutenant Edwyn "Talon" KalDan, who has been awarded the New Republic Starfighter Cross for completing all Star Wars: Squadrons achievements! He's Spectre's first Ace and only the third holder of this award in the Wing.
Talon has also been awarded the Starhawk Campaign Ribbon - Silver and to mark both achievements, he's gained the right to buy everyone a drink on his tab, so please join us in the SSD to celebrate! #DrinksOnTalon
26 Feb 21
- Where were you when you first heard of the Destruction of Alderaan? It was one of most defining and devastanting moments of the Galactic Civil War, and an act that cemented the evil of the Empire in the minds of many. The following is a series of stories of some of the pilots of Renegade Wing, where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news. Please, enjoy our anthology simply titled ALDERAAN
23 Feb 2021
From Major Myke "Wolf" Krenn, Executive Officer Corsair Squadron:
- It's my pleasure to award the following to a droid who is not only precise but a completionist. Syntax, Corsair OC, is therefore awarded the following:
- The New Republic Starfighter Cross
- The Starhawk Campaign Ribbon - Silver
And in a remarkable throwback, Syntax has fired up the Red Squadron training to shake off any ... er rust. Therefor he is awarded the following:
- The Advanced Training Ribbon from Red Squadron
- Further, It is with great trepidation and assurances to NR HR of mental clarity that we announce that Flight Officer Jack "Frosty" McCauley is hereby promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.
Frosty has been an invaluable member of Corsair Squadron and Renegade Wing both in time and participation. Please raise a mug that his credits will now fill.
- Finally, the overachieving Captain Kell "Dragon" Arcfire has removed himself from the Simulation Deck, along with Rogue 3, Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson, where the two of them have been hammering the historic missions. Rogue Leader has informed me that both Dragon and Dobber (the former due to some Rogue 3 tactical assistance apparently) have now achieved Mine Racing times of 7:20 or better, earning them the Platinum Supernova!
To The SSD!
22 Feb 21
- Friends continue to reunite, and Renegade Wing continues to rebuild its strength in spite of the best efforts of The Mukani Base Commandant. Buoyed by a successful sortie, can Jalb continue to keep all of his pilots whole, both mentally and physically? Come see the tenuous progress in C2A's Episode 2 Here! Remember, you can get caught up on previous episodes and other great features at The Vigilant's Greater Five Theatre!
19 Feb 21
- While the rest of Renegade Wing is engaged in a struggle for their lives, Task Force 1 inadvertently started a battle for their souls, and it's one they may not win. See the exciting beginning of the Defend the Vigilant storyline in Arc 1.1: Weasel One by Corsair Squadron's XO, Wolf! Head down to The Vigilant's Greater Five Theatre to catch it now!
16 Feb 21
- Weary of war and in the throes of rebirth, Endor veterans from Renegade Wing and Red Squadron try to make sense of their situation - throw in a base full of Cadets and an overly ambitious General and you have a recipe for chaos. Read as things begin to unfold on Mukani in Episode I of Cinder to Ash, screening in The Theatre now!
15 Feb 21
Official Communication!
From the office of Rear Admiral Chris '007' Fisto, New Republic Fleet Attache (TRA)
- ATTN: Renegade Wing
With the expansion of the New Republic and systems joining daily we are finding subspace channels being taken from Military Operations and assigned to administrative and diplomatic missions. This is cauing some disruption to Task Force communications and command intent. General Firth, along with Colonel Rambo and Renegade Wing Squadron command staff have conducted several subspace conferences over the past weeks and Fleet has ratified plans for Liaison Officers to be posted to all NR Task Forces to enable transmission of operational support and training communications between Fleet, Task Force, Wing and Squadrons.
To that end Lieutenant Corell “Foo” Davis is posted to Renegade Wing Support Squadron as Sabre One and will be fulfilling the duties of Fleet Liaison Officer.
As I believe the tradition is for Renegade Wing, word travels quickly in sub-space, drinks are on the New Guy. 007 Out.
14 Feb 21
12 Feb 21
- Pirates, thespians, imperials, oh my! Rogue squadron's Dobber hadn't planned to spend his vacation in such an exciting fashion. Catch the exciting conclusion in Shore Leave part 4!. Remember, you can always get caught up in in The Lounge
10 Feb 21
From OC Rogue Squadron
- I am of the understanding that, after last weeks Presentation Ceremony, the SSD was very nearly drunk dry for the first time in Renegade Wing's history. This makes a Macquarian like me very, very proud! Unfortunately the free drinks have been claimed and everyone seems to be paying for their own. I think we can fix that
It is my honour to award Major Andrew "Dobber" Dobson the Starhawk Campaign Ribbon - Platinum.
This award acknowledges the efforts of a pilot going above and beyond earning 100% of the Republic Campaign Mission Medals on Ace difficulty! Well done Major Dobson and I can confirm his pay grade can support the bar tab, drinks on Dobber!
- With the impending release of the newly gazetted Rogue Service Medal and Clasps (XWING, XVT, SWS) the original Rogue Requirements for X-Wing have been pulled from archive and are accessible for the first time in nearly 25 years! Multi-player not for you or just have a hankering to see if you can do what some of us did in the Golden Ages? Now you can, admission to Rogue will be considered for pilots fullfilling any one set of game selection criteria, now listed under recruiting.
9 Feb 21
- CorSec and the Rebel Alliance have a storied history, sometimes good, sometimes bad, like any good cop show. Under the Empire, sometimes the law isn't right and you're forced to become a Renegade. That's how Malcom "Freak" MacCurrich came to the Wing, joining the A-wing rocket maniacs as Corsair 6.
8 Feb 2021
- Even in defeat, there can be victory. Sometimes it just requires an outside perspective to silence our hardest critics: ourselves. Take a look as a recently promoted Captain leads his first mission and the fallout in "Failing Upward" by Buccaneer Squadron's XO, Bulldog. It, and many others available in The Lounge. Get yourself a caf, hit a spare couch and settle in for a good read!
6 Feb 2021
- Finally, after all of the excitement, Dobber finds the time to settle down and enjoy his much-deserved shore leave. Unfortunately it appears the dinner theater drew some guests with other plans. See what true rest and relaxation looks like before it gets disrupted in Shore Leave: Part 3 by Dobber from Rogue Squadron. If you missed them check out Parts 1 & 2 in The Lounge now.
4 Feb 2021
From 9LOM "Syntax", Officer Commanding Corsair Squadron:
- 2nd Lieutenant Kell "Dragon" Arcfire is hereby awarded the Starhawk Campaign Ribbon - Platinum. This award acknowledges the efforts of a pilot going above and beyond earning 100% of the Republic Campaign Mission Medals on Ace difficulty!
- Further, for sustained demonstrations of gallantry, perseverance, leadership initiative, and teamwork, 2nd Lieutenant Arcfire is hereby promoted to the rank of Captain, effective immediately. Additionally, in recognition of his efforts to improve the skills and tactics of his teammates, he has also been appointed as Corsair Squadron's Tactical Officer. I am confident Captain Arcfire will continue to be a shining example of everything Corsair Squadron is capable of. As per usual, drinks are on him (again); I'm confident his bump in pay can accommodate his upcoming bar tab.
2 Feb 2021Transcript of awards ceremony
Speaker: Corsair XO:
Corsair Squadron has a decorated history in the Rebel Alliance, and now as we begin a New Republic, it's time for Corsair to distinguish itself again. It is my honor to award the following:
Let's all drink to these accomplishments (on them of course)! The future of Corsair is bright and looking shinier every day.
Speaker: Buccaneer XO:
Per the recent New Republic Starfighter Command directive on new decorations, it is my honor to award the following ribbons to the Buccaneer Squadron pilots that qualify for them. The last guy in this list is a really good looking dude- but you didn't hear that from me.
Since this came from my desk, the drinks are on the first two names listed.
Speaker: Buccaneer OC
Step down Bulldog, you will be buying drinks... In recognition for his continued commitment to Renegade Wing, I would like to award Captain Andy “Bulldog” Clark a further Squadron Citation for his work on the Defend the Vigilant story. He has also shown initiative as Buccaneer XO in greeting new recruits to the wing and continues to excel in his role as Loremaster. A toast for Bulldog is in order! I also believe that's his fourth SC so 4 rounds should cover it.
Speaker: Rogue XO
In as much as our OC rarely stands on formality and prefers the down key approach I believe it's my duty, and privilege, to recognise our pilots. Although it may be expected of a Rogue it still takes hard work and perserverance to earn your stripes, to coin a ground pounder phrase and would recognise the following recipients of these awards:
Speaker: Rogue OC
As well I may not, but there are times that the honor of leading this group of people is almost more than I think I am deserving of and in this case I shall not stint. Major Tony "Thanatos" Marco is my Offensive Lineman, he covers and protects my blindside and ensures the plays get executed the way they're planned and steps up to lead the play if there's a breakdown. There are many things an XO does to keep a Squadron going but the single most important thing to me is that they have their OC's back, there is a united front from Command and they lead by example... and what an example he sets.
It gives me the greatest of pleasure to award Major Marco the Class II Fleet Defense Ribbon, and, against normal protocol, I will be the first to buy his drinks!
Congratulations to all recipients, thank you for your hard work, your extra efforts and, above all else, your commitment to each other. Go Renegades!
1 Feb 2021
- This is the way... to kick off Fan Fiction February!
Everybody thinks the Empire died the moment the second Death Star was destroyed and the party was ready to start, but many pilots and personnel still had important work and very serious introspection to do in the intervening days. Take a look at the tale of a determined SAR pilot and her new friends pushing through the post-battle depression and festive atmosphere to do the work that still needed to be done in: Consolation and Loss, by Gremlin, Lock, and Tattoo, available in The Lounge now.
29 Jan 2021
28 Jan 2021
27 Jan 2021
- So, you wanna be a Rogue? Star Wars: Squadrons Selection criteria for the Republic's most vaunted Squadron have been published! Check out the update on the Rogue Recruiting Page. Note, these are selection criteria, not just requirements for admission. As for all Renegade Wing's Squadrons, the ability to do what we do doesn't make you like us... Hang around for a while, you'll see what we mean. Vanguard Squadron? Who are they? Didn't see any of those scrubbs at Endor.
24 Jan 2021
21 Jan 2021
- Not all of a pilot's life is spent within the confines of a cockpit. We take vacations and like to turn our brains off just as much as the next person. Take a look at the day in the life of a pilot taking a break in the Tale Shore Leave, a four part miniseries by Rogue Squadron's Dobber. It looks to be a relaxing time! Or is it? Check out Part 1 in The Lounge now.
19 Jan 2021
- From Buccaneer XO:
- Continuing to cover for my OC... I should probably get him listed MIA... But I digress. As the most overworked and underpaid XO in this Wing it is my pleasure to award Flight Officer Whitemont with his first Squadron Citation Ribbon. Earned through the recent release of the conclusion to the Defend the Vigilant POV it marked participation in 3 group POV projects but am assured there are more which we may eagerly await in the coming months. As is our custom, drinks are on him, not me.
18 Jan 2021
- Now showing in The Vigilant Greater 5!
- The trapped Renegades are battling for their very lives. Outnumbered and outgunned, the pilots and personnel that were left behind are hanging onto the edge of a precipice by their fingertips. See what happens in the exciting conclusion of the Defend the Vigilant storyline in Flashpoint: a collaborative POV written by Bulldog, Jalb, Angel, Ant, Jasted, Krayt, and Gremlin, with consultations from FLATTOP, Talon, and TRA_Foo!
14 Jan 2021
- Not all rebels were model citizens, and everyone joining the Rebel Alliance may not have had a squeaky clean background. Read the exciting origin story of Frosty and Gremlin, crafted from the imaginations and skillfully wordsmithed by Frosty (Corsair 3), Gremlin (Spectre 5) and Lock (Rogue 9), in Drunken Lullabies, available for your occular imbibement and enjoyment in Lounge now.
11 Jan 2021
Incoming Transmission
- New Pilot Assignment: First Lieutenant Conall "Shadow" McKenna has been assigned to Spectre Squadron.
- Shadow began his starfighter career in Red Squadron, transferring into Corsair Squadron after the Battle of Endor. With his transfer to Spectre Squadron, Shadow will be the Flight Leader for Spectre's third flight. Please join me in welcoming Shadow to Spectre Squadron.
9 Jan 2021
- New Pilot Assignment:
Please join us in welcoming Flight Officer Dion “Loth-Cat ” Ninx to the billet of Buccaneer 3!
Loth-Cat joins us after rescuing a downed pilot from the Vigilant Task Force, repairing her Y-Wing and being brought back to the Task Force. He's undergone flight training and proven his apptitude with not only the Y-Wing but X, U and B-Wing variants as well and was fast tracked to Buccaneer Squadron. Please welcome Loth-Cat in the usual way!
- Minor update to Buccaneer Squadron Entry Requirements.
8 Jan 2021
04 Jan 2021
- Officer Commanding Corsair Squadron, Syntax, is pleased to announce the placement of two new Corsair pilots:
Flight Officer Thös "Bone" Sherru and 2nd Lieutenant Sigurd "BattleDog" Stormhand. With the addition of these two pilots, Corsair Squadron is back at full strength;
- Bone joins us as Corsair 2. He has a 'checkered' past but the call to put an end to the Empire and serve the New Republic, although not where he thought he'd be, was strong enough to make him realise Renegade Wing was where he needed to be.
- The new Corsair 8 should be familiar to all here as Battledog has been aboard the Vigilant and around the Flight Deck and SSD for some time now. While most were unaware of his status his technical assistance and tactical acumen has been of immense help to many of the pilots aboard.
While this sees Corsair to full strength please don't hesitate to submit applications should you wish to serve with Renegadeas places are always opening as pilots are promoted, find a niche with a new craft or move to ship board operations. Please join us in welcoming Bone and Battledog, may they serve long and well!
31 Dec 2020
- Could the Imperials set an effective trap? Could they avoid the mistakes of previous Imperial Commanders and not have it backfire? Backing Renegade Wing into a corner is not often a winning strategy, but this time it might just have worked.
Read the harrowing tale of the leftover fighters that weren't sent out on strike in "Defend the Vigilant Arc 1.3: Left Behind", creatively constructed by Bulldog, Ant, Jalb, Jasted, and Angel and available in the Theatre along with ARC 1.2.
28 Dec 2020
Incoming Transmission
- New Pilot Assignment: Flight Officer Teondu (Tony) "Trip" Van Tibl has been assigned to Spectre Squadron.
Trip is a native of Sullust who has been keeping ships flying for most of his career in the Rebel Alliance. He has recently graduated from a pilot training academy, with Spectre Squadron as his first assignment. He will be taking on the fourth slot in Spectre Squadron, filling out the first flight.
Please join me in welcoming Trip to Renegade Wing!
Lt Col Durgan
- The days of blindly accepting Imperial defectors into key positions of the New Republic are long gone. However, sometimes an ex-Imperial can earn his way into the good graces of New Republic Starfighter Command by acts of extreme compassion and bravery. Read the story of the straw that broke the Dragon's back in: Defender, by Corsair Squadron's own Dragon, available in the Lounge now.
- TacOps TacOps TacOps!!! We've got TacOps pushing our datastore to bursting! The indefatiguable Dobber, Rogue 3, has had a further 4, that's right, Four, engagement debriefs declassified and cleared for release. Get over to Tactical Operations where you will find Dobber's discourse of three X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter missions and a Balance of Power operation:
- Finally, LT COL Reynolds has promulgated the following:
It is my greatest honour to command Rogue Squadron and I never cease to be amazed by the capacity, tenacity, professionalism and ability of the pilots I work with and it is always my absolute pleasure to recognise their achievements:
- With the recent release of Tactical Operations, a solo written Tale and participation in other written works Major Andrew Dobber Dobson, Rogue 3, is awarded a further 2 Squadron Citations. The additions mean 3 Silver Star device clasps for his Squadron Citation and mark a total of 4 awards. Congratulations Dobber!
- For his continued service as Lore Master and being in no small part responsible for the proofing and delivery of the Endor POV and the checking of Wing Canon and proofing of every Tale and Bio submitted since Endor 1st LT Andy "Bulldog" Clark is awarded a further Siver Star to his Squadron Citation marking 3 awards.
- Further, due to Bulldog's activities throughout the last months, both onboard the Vigilant and in Squadrons briefings and missions; the leadership and professionalism he has displayed has been of the highest order, asserts his position as a Rogue and continues to serve the New Republic and all it's ideals and has left me with no choice but to promote him to Captain, effective immediately with all the benefit and priviledge conferred by said rank! In other words drinks are on him!
27 Dec 2020
- From CO Renegade Wing COL Vince "Stryker" Rambo:
For his dedicated efforts in the lore team and recent contributions to the lore of the wing in multiple recent projects, both solo and collaborative, it is my great pleasure to give LT COL Alrick "Krayt" Durgan another Squadron Citation Ribbon to add to the plethora of ribbons already on his dress uniform.
22 Dec 2020
- When the chain of command says "Attack", you attack regardless of the intel. Enjoy Part 1.2 of the collaborative Defend the Vigilant 4 story arc, titled "Offensive Measures" from the brains of Dobber, Bulldog, Krayt, and Gremlin (with consultations from Talon and FLATTOP) and available in the Theatre now!
17 Dec 2020
- From OC Corsair Squadron LT COL 9 LOM "Syntax":
For ther continued dedication to Corsair Squadron and Renegade Wing ideals, their persistent willingness to contribute to the Wing, and their creative story-telling aptitude, it is my great pleasure to award Squadron Citation Ribbons to both Flight Officer Jack "Frosty" McCauley and 2nd Lieutenant Rosk "Silence" Vikeron. Please be sure to congratulate them - and run up their drink tab while you're at it!
- From OC Spectre Squadron LT COL Alrick "Krayt" Durgan:
I'm pleased to announce the awarding of a Squadron Citation to 1st LT Paul "Rogue" Sweet for his excellent writing contributions to the Renegade Wing community. This is his first Squadron Citation earned as a member of Renegade Wing, and we look forward to awarding more in the future.
I would also like announce the promotion of Flight Officer Edwyn "Talon" KalDan to 2nd Lieutenant. Though he has been with Renegade Wing for a short time, he has shown an unparalleled enthusiasm for the game and our group, bringing people together to fly, regularly attempting to recruit new pilots, and spending time passing on the skills he's learned to others in the wing by holding #driftliketalon training sessions. Please join me in congratulating Talon on his promotion and lightening his pockets with a drink or two on his tab.
15 Dec 2020
- The 'Call of the Cockpit' is ever present. You may think you'll never hop into one again, but the Force has a funny way of making sure you hear the call and return home again. Read this exciting tale of the honor and intrigue of an ex-pilot within the nascent New Republic Intelligence agency in "Victor, Not Victim" by Corsair Squadron's own inside agent, Silence! Awaiting you in the Lounge.
9 Dec 2020
- If the old NES game Contra was a movie starring Stallone and Swarzenegger, this would be the Star Wars equivalent. Grab some popcorn and a beverage and enjoy the pulse-pounding POV "Blaster Burns", by Spectre Squadron's own 80's action hero: Rogue and available in the Lounge.
2 Dec 2020
- No matter how long or far away we run, there are always the things that bring us back to the ones we care about. Make the time to read this hard-hitting tale from Frosty on his journey away and back to the New Republic: Ties that Bind is available for your perusal in the Lounge.
22 Nov 2020
20 Nov 2020
- After being fished from the annals of Alliance history, another veteran of Red Squadron has joined the ranks of the Vigilant. Flight Officer Jack "Frosty" McCauley has taken the recently vacated Corsair 3 slot. Known for "causing trouble," the new guy will have plenty of opportunities to prove it in coming operations. For now, he'll experience the credit-draining welcome of Renegade Wing.
16 Nov 2020
8 Nov 2020
- Officer Commanding RWSS, LT COL Alrick "Krayt" Durgan, has put out a call for nominations to fill the roster of a new addition to the Wing. See the Wing Admin Board for further details.
7 Nov 2020
- Renegade Wing remains at the forefront of the action against the Imperial remnants but everyone needs a bit of downtime now and then so do yourself a favour and head down to the Lounge and settle in for a good read with Dobber, Rogue Three's latest offering: Rite of Passage, a daring tale of Buccaneer, Corsair, and Rogue Squadron pilots performing one of their first 'rite of passage' missions against the Empire after Endor.
28 Oct 2020
26 Oct 2020
- With the release of Star Wars Squadrons, the New Republic has been sending new pilots that show a considerable amount of skill our way--such is the case with this A-Wing ace. Corsair Squadron, and all of Renegade Wing, welcomes Flight Officer Ko "IceGecko" as Corsair 8! Welcome to the War, Gecko, may your enemies fear your name.
23 Oct 2020
- Chief Clerk has given the Adjutant a stern talking to because someone's been sleeping in the Ready Room because they haven't been assigned a cabin yet. Let's fix that!
- Welcome Flight Officer Anton "Ant" Whitemont, Corsair Nine! Ant is a veteran of the Endor campaign and served with the Alliance hero, Arvel Crynyd. Fortunately Ant has better shield management and was able to survive that battle (one of the few Greens that did) and found his way to Renegade Wing. Apparently Corsair's OC offered him a position but his new XO wasn't aware he had to do the administration to make it official. Drink's on Corsair XO!
19 Oct 2020
- With the Wing in full combat operations we've got a lot going on, not the least of which being Buccaneer and Rogue Requirements. Buccaneer may be finalised in the coming weeks but we're not likely to see Rogue requirements until at least the finish of the first Squadron's Operation phase. Having said that, one requirement will be previous membership of an Alliance Squadron so don't hold back, apply for Corsair, or the soon to be raised for Combat, Spectre Squadron now!
- Along with the requirements we've made a couple of updates to our Bio Guide page, take a look.
14 Oct 2020
- It's been a long time coming but OC Corsair Squadron has finally selected a meatbag to act as his XO. With the Squadron carrying only two vacancies (both likely to be filled soon) a full strength squadron is going to need a top notch XO. A combat Veteran with the experience and capability to mentor new pilots as they leave training behind; Myke "Wolf" Krenn is herewith promoted to Major and assigned the duty of Corsair Squadron XO! We know where the drinks are coming from!
- Corsair Squadron has also to officially welcome Corsair Four, Flight Officer Kyle "Junior" Reynolds. At 19 he may appear young but he flew a Z-95 to help thwart an Imperial invasion at 16 and was also with us at Endor... besides, when your old man is who he is, you have a certain reputation to uphold! So to assist Wolf with that burgeoning bar tab please welcome Junior!
13 Oct 2020
- Welcome Corsair Six! Another transfer from Red Squadron sees Corsair's comabt effectiveness take another step up with the addition of First Lieutenant Conall "Shadow" McKenna into the vacancy. A long serving Red Squadron pilot and veteran of the Endor Campaign Renegade welcomes and is happy to have Shadow aboard... You know who's buying the drinks (Iggy also reads the daily orders so he knows you have an open tab).
- Corsair Squadron has also finalised entry requirements for Star Wars: Squadrons. Please see their recruiting page for details.
10 Oct 2020
- From LT COL Durgan, OC RWSS:
A couple of weeks ago,Flight Officer Marshal Westfolder joined us as part of the training squadron. He has completed his flight training and decided to specialize in the U-Wing starfighter. Effective immediately he will be assigned to Sabre Squadron as Sabre 2! Please join me in welcoming FLATTOP to the wing!
8 Oct 2020
- Here we all were thinking the webmaster has it easy now, kicking back in the Ready Room knocking back Ion Suckers when he's not flying and bagging himself Imperial kills, but no! Renegade Wing never stops and everybody wants to be a Renegade, especially this guy:
Everybody please welcome 2nd Leuitenant Kell "Dragon" Arcfire, the new Corsair Five (and a more than worthy pilot in my old Corsair Billet)! Dragon is Imperial Academy trained but is well aware of what the New Republic stands for; His first action in defiance of the Empire saved hundreds of refugees and turned him into a death marked fugitive, just the type we like.
- With Dragon's acceptance to the Wing there are also a couple of decorations to go around:
- For being Steely Eyed A-Wing men and defending the Liberty in multiplayer, proving the ability to work with a team to achieve outstanding results both Dragon and Talon (Corsair Three) are awarded the Renegade Wing Defence Ribbon-Dual Cluster.
- To keep the plaudits going for Corsair, their Officer Commanding "Syntax" is awarded the Diamond Device to his Elite Service Ribbon with Bronze Gilt Border for 100 Top Performances!
- As is the tradition around here, drinks are on the new guy! And his OC (bucket of bolts pulls a paycheck so it can spend some for a change).
7 Oct 2020
- So, my A-Wing cockpit was getting a little festy and Angel said if I didn't take a break she'd ground my ship. Guess there's some maintenance to be done around here...
Twitter widgets added to the Home page and Bridge! Now Twitter and Gremlin can do the work for me, and I can keep flying! (once Angel's A-wing techs have finished detailing my eggshell)
6 Oct 2020
- How Good Is It!!! Yes, we've been ingame, a lot, and the Renegades have been flying their pants off. With Pilots operating on Xbox, PS4 and PC with controllers, joysticks, full HOTAS and VR our people have a great insight into the game and how to be the best you can be. Drop into our Discord and ask questions, or share your own experiences. We're all about helping people.
- As we progress ingame we're also working out the skills and requirements for our Squadron roles; we should have Corsair requirements updated fairly shortly but keep checking back for Buccaneer and Rogue.
1 Oct 2020
- With the launch of Squadrons imminent you'd forgive us for doing absolutrly nothing... But we've got you covered! We have not one, but two new Lounge Tales for you!
- Double Agent - A story of deception and redemption, also Talon's Tale
- Also, the aptly name Alrick's Tale, back story of Renegade Wing's Tactical Officer and OC RWSS
29 Sep 2020
- It is with greart pleasure that Renegade Wing announce the filling of the vacant Rogue Three billet, whilst offering commiserations to Buccaneer Squadron. Commander Andrew "Dobber" Dobson having fullfilled all the requirements for consideration and, having shown in his attitude and conduct, his dedication to Renegade Wing, his Squadron and the Alliance as a whole, is formally approved by Fleet for transfer to Rogue Squadron, effective immediately. Welcome Rogue Three!
- With those requirements being fulfilled comes a certain recognition and Commander Dobson is also awarded the following:
- Renegade Wing Defence Ribbon and Dual Cluster: Awarded to a pilot that displays selfless determination in the face of staggering odds and is able to 'Defend the Liberty' and achieve a Top Performance in Single play as well as multiplayer, proving the ability to work with a team to achieve outstanding results.
- Veteran Service Ribbon: Awarded to each pilot who completes 80% of the stock single player Rebel exercises and combat missions with at least excellent performances. No missions may be lower than good performance.
- Service Ribbon Device - Platinum: For 50+ Top Performance mission completions
28 Sep 2020
- After a brief stint with Training Command (we all knew how that would end up), our favorite hellish kitten returns! Welcome back Rogue Eight, 1st Lieutenant Josh "Hellcat" Kinney
- Check out this video from Ecks Too as Charlie goes even deeper into new information released ahead of Squadrons' released date. This time with ranked placement matches, crossplay & cross-platform.
26 Sep 2020
- From OC Rogue Squadron LT COL Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds:
Attention all pilots, support staff and otherwise present civilians! In recognition of recent contributions 1st Leuitenant Nick "Jasted" Finelli is awarded a Squadron Citation. Jasted's work is generally classified (RW "skunkworks') and while sometimes undertaken at the direction of Rogue Lead his proactive approach and the extra duty hours he allocates to these projects is a credit to himself and upholds the finest traditions of Rogue Squadron and Renegade Wing. An UNCLAS example is the recently announced Endor Battle Nova. Jasted helped design, and then created the medal and all the individual ribbons for presentation. Well done Jasted, well deserved and long overdue.
25 Sep 2020
- Our Loremaster, Bulldog, is way too excited! Expecting Part 4 of our Endor POV? Here it is... But wait! There's more! This week only with every Part 4 release you get Part 5! That's right, the last two chapters of the Endor POV have dropped: Theatre, Part 4 and Part 5.
- To commemorate the sacrifices made at the Battle of Endor, the newly minted Endor Battle Nova medal has been awarded. This medal has been struck from alloy taken from the DS2 debris field and is awarded to Alliance members who, according to Renegade Wing canon, where present at the Battle of Endor. It also honours past commitment to the Alliance and the new resolve of the New Republic. Check it out here.
23 Sep 2020
- Renegade Wing welcomes it's latest member, stepping in as Watchdog, 1st Lieutenant Vyla "Spook" Rha fills the billet of Security Officer in RWSS. Welcome Spook and, as is the tradition here, drinks are on you!
- TacOps, TacOps, TacOps! We've got Tactical Operations out the refuse hatch! Commander Andrew "Dobber" Dobson, Buccaneer XO, has submitted another three engagement reports to help you get those coveted Top performances and in doing so has earned himself his first subsequent award device for his Squadron Citation. Two more original missions and a BoP to boot, get on over to Tacops or check them out from here:
18 Sep 2020
- Just like a Death Star shield drop, Endor! Part 3 has arrived, better late than never. The third installment, Revenge of the Death Star, is now available for reading pleasure in the Theatre, as are Parts 1 & 2 so make sure you're up to date!
17 Sep 2020
- New Tactical Operations! Commander Andrew "Dobber" Dobson, Buccaneer XO, has submitted three new engagement reports and all three will guide you to achieving a Top Performance for the respective missions. He's given us another way to defeat The Formidable as well as Operations 1 and 2 of the Balance of Power campaign.
- As a result of the submission of 3 excellent TacOps, Commander Andrew "Dobber" Dobson, Buccaneer XO,is awarded a Squadron Citation per Wing Standing Orders. Also knowing Dobber has only had mission access reinstated in the last 7 days (maintenance issues with his controller ;) makes this an amazing effort. Head to the SSD and buy him a drink!
15 Sep 2020
- The ranks of Buccaneer keep swelling! Renegade Wing welcomes 1st Leuitenant Paul "Rogue" Sweet to the billet of Buccaneer Six. With experience in Red and Blue Squadrons and a long history of... clandestine operations for the darker side of this conflict the knowledge Rogue brings will be of immeasurable help. As always, bar is open and it's on Rogue.
- As our talented Comms Officer has highlighted on our Holonet account, we're just not waiting for Squadrons, we're pretty keen for this too.
14 Sep 2020
- From the vocoder of our estimable 9-LOM Syntax, OC Corsair Squadron: "Has everyone seen this yet? Even if you have, it's worth watching again (and again). The Wing is in full agreement! Watch it! Again... and Again!
Star Wars:Squadrons - "Hunted" CG Short. PS, don't anyone tell Syntax we think he's worthy or deserving of great respect... 'droids damn near a megalomaniac as it is!
12 Sep 2020
- Renegade Wing welcomes 1st Leuitenant Kyle "Gnoizic" Mandal into the billet of Buccaneer Two. Gnoizic brings a wealth of ship-to-ship combat and clandestine ground operations experience and Buccaneer are happy he has accepted the transfer orders and are quietly working on making his first bar tab in The SSD worthy of a Buccaneer.
- Another new Tactical Operation for X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter! 1st Lieutenant Andy "Bulldog" Clark, Rogue Twelve has posted his engagement report of the mission Interdiction of Starfighter Deployment. Not only is this Bulldog's 3rd TacOp in as many months but is also a Wing first, him being the first pilot to post a TacOp from an active combat billet in Corsair, Buccaneer and Rogue Squadrons! Dial up the Tactical Operations Database and check it out.
11 Sep 2020
- The afore mentioned release to Gold of Star Wars:Squadrons notwithstanding, we know what you're excited for... That's Right! Part 2 of the Endor POV: Attack of The Rebellion has been released and is ready for your occular ingestion. You can direct link here or, if you missed Part 1 (required reading we might add) head over to the Theatre and start there.
- It would also not be right to hold off on posting this list of credits. All of these Alliance/New Republic members have contributed to this epic Tale:
10 Sep 2020
- Yes! We're Excited!
06 Sep 2020
- To LT COL Reynolds.
I hope this transmission finds you well. I again want to thank you for overlooking the 1st (and now final) Porg Drop event the Bucc's held last Life Day. I swear on my life, I thought porgs could fly. I'm glad the dents buffed right out off of your astromech and many of us agree he looks better than before.
Anyway, to the point, this is my letter of recommendation for LT Andy "Bulldog" Clark's transfer to Rogue squadron. His skills have grown greatly and his performance at the Battle of Endor shows he is Rogue material. Though we will miss his bombings (in both missions and open mic stand up comic nights in The Lounge) I know it will not take him long to reach his potential as you continue to mentor him to a fine Rogue pilot.
-LT COL Michael "Mighty" Tolle
- And with that glowing recommendation... 1st Lieutenant Andy "Bulldog" Clark, having fullfilled all the requirements for consideration and, having shown in his attitude and conduct, his dedication to Renegade Wing, his Squadron and the Alliance as a whole, is formally appointed to the billet of Rogue 12.
- From OC Rogue Squadron LT COL Chris "Jalb_k" Reynolds:
Attention all pilots, support staff and otherwise present civilians! In recognition of recent contributions and the invaluable work in compiling, coordinating and editing the Post Action Reports (PAR) from The Battle of Endor, the command staff is recognizing Roy "Lock" Callahan with a Squadron Citation and Andy "Bulldog" Clark is awarded a Silver Star to his Squadron Citation.
- From CO Renegade Wing, COL Vince 'Stryker' Rambo
9-LOM Syntax, OC Corsair Squadron is awarded a further Device to his Squadron Citation for three Lounge Tales submitted in the lead up to current Operations. This takes Syntax's subsequent awards to 5 and earns him the Gold Star Device for a total of 6 Squadron Citations. In this instance I believe we can buy the bucket a quart of oil.
04 Sep 2020
- The theatre is finally ready and what a blockbuster we have for opening night! Appearing on all screens in The Vigilant Greater Five Cineplex is Part one of the eagerly anticipated Endor! POV, The Brewing Storm.
This is an amazing piece of work with writers from all over our Alliance telling their stories of the lead up to, participation in and the aftermath of the Battle of Endor, all skillfully edited by Renegade Wing's own Andy "Bulldog" Clark and Roy 'Lock' Callahan.
This epic work is well over 1000 pages so will be serialised into five parts released weekly and leading us up to the launch of Star Wars: Squadrons!
02 Sep 2020
- Mandalorian season 2 finally has a release date, set for October 30th, 2020. The series will release one episode at a time, unlike most other shows on streaming platforms. A release date is good news, amidst all the worrying rumors about possible problems and delays concerning the series. More information here.
31 Aug 2020
- Its always nice to get new Tales added to The Lounge but when you get something of the quality that we've just posted you realise how talented the members of this Wing are. From our Lore Master, 1st Lieutenant Andy "Bulldog" Clark, please take the time to read "Hard Nights Make Harder Days", or as the C-Staff are calling it, "The Redemption of Buccaneer Six"
- After the success of Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, everyone has been waiting to hear about the sequel. Recent news about SW:JFO2 has come out, with developers talking about how the sequel will most likely come out for the next generation of consoles along with changes and improvements. One of the biggest points is the ability to sway between the light and dark side, giving the player more control of the main character's story. To read more, check out this article.
29 Aug 2020
- Renegade Wing and Support Squadron is pleased to announce the arrival of 2nd Lt Namieh "Tattoo" Calyse who will be flying SAR, filling the billet of Mercy Two. As Mercy Two Tattoo will be piloting either an Incom UT-60D U-wing starfighter/support craft or a Telgorn M/ATR-6 Assault Transport, for those hot zone pickups, and for which she will be able to handpick her crew.
- There has been a lot of speculation about what the next Star Wars trilogy will be about. Kathleen Kennedy finally breaks her silence and gives credence to many of the rumors that will be circulating. According to THIS article, she talks about how Disney wants to set the next trilogy in the KOTOR era.
27 Aug 2020
- New to the Wing or been living in a hut on Tatooine and don't know what the fuss is all about? Check out this video from EA, Star Wars: Squadrons - Official Single Player Preview. Then head over to The EA Squadrons site for an overview and click that pre-order button while you're there... You know you want to.
- Orders These have been sitting on the XO's desk for some time...
24 Aug 2020
23 Aug 2020
- New Tactical Operation for X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter! 1st Lieutenant Andy "Bulldog" Clark, Buccaneer Six has posted his engagement report of the mission Raid on Rebel Factory Koensayr 42. Dial up the Tactical Operations Database and check it out.
- Ooohhh, shiny! New Hasbro Collectible STAR WARS Toys revealed. Celebrate the Saga! Get your hands on Action Figures and other new items from the Vintage Collection, the Black Series and more!
21 Aug 2020
- 1st Lieutenant Nick "Jasted" Finelli is appointed Forge Master of the CRS Vigilant! As Forge Master, Jasted, under guidance of the C-Staff and Web Master, is responsible for all graphical assets created for and by Renegade Wing and the implementation of a 'Style and Format' guide.
- For those that are still debating where they are going to purchase Star Wars Squadrons, EA Play Pro is offering unique cosmetics for those that purchase through them. According to THIS article, this might just be the beginning--stay tuned for what other freebies might be coming out for SWS.
19 Aug 2020
- Lieutenant Gemilan "Gremlin", Corsair Two has been appointed Communications and Media Officer (CommO). Coincidently Renegegade Wing has joined the Twitterverse! Follow us there @RenegadeWing
- Though Star Wars: Squadrons hasnt been released yet, people are already hard at work trying to improve the experience. In this video on the EcksToo channel, the host goes into detail about an app called "Droids" that allows you to give voice commands to your astromech to aid you in battle. Check out this video for more information!
18 Aug 2020
- A new story has appeared in the Lounge! Head on over, sit yourself in a comfy couch and find out how The Liberty's resident Barman, and general handy droid, Iggy, managed to survive the Battle of Endor in Iggy's Tale
- General site maintenance and housekeeping. Shout out and thanks to Neill "Ranger" Magill for the code assist to this inept webmaster :)
17 Aug 2020
- Captain Roy 'Lock' Callahan is awarded the Renegade Wing Defense Ribbon - Dual Cluster for selfless determination in the face of staggering odds being able to 'Defend the Liberty' and achieve a Top Performance, both solo and multiplayer, also proving the ability to work with a team to achieve outstanding results.
- Captain Roy 'Lock' Callahan is awarded the Regular Service Ribbon with Crimson device for completing 80% of the XvT single player Rebel exercises and combat missions with at least good performances and having in excess of 10 Top Performances.
- Orders: With the decommisioning of Red Squadron and transfer of it's remaining pilots, support personnel and assets, Fleet has retired the Liaison Officer position currently filled by Captain Callahan. With the removal of this role and at his request:
- Captain Roy 'Lock' Callahan, having fullfilled all the requirements for consideration and, having shown in his attitude and conduct, his dedication to Renegade Wing, his Squadron and the Alliance as a whole, is formally appointed to the billet of Rogue 9
12 Aug 2020
- Eckhartsladder returns with another video about Star Wars Squadrons, and Bucc you'll want to pay attention to this one! Going in depth into bomber play, Eckhart examines just what makes a bomber so powerful in battle (albeit the clicky name of the video), talking about load outs and components as well as theorizing about the roles it might play in combat, apart from the usual Capital Ship AssauLT To learn more about this tank of a starfighter, take a look at this video.
- Orders
10 Aug 2020
8 Aug 2020
- Renegade Wing welcomes two more pilots transferring in for combat operations with Corsair Squadron.
Renegade Wing CO, Colonel Vince "Stryker" Rambo, has been given permission to raise Renegade Flight, a five pilot fighting HQ element. He takes top billet
and his XO, Lt Colonel Bill "Jedi" Morrison takes the Two slot. Standby for orders confirming the remaining three billets.
Renegade Wing Discord has added 4 'Role Play - In Character' channels.
Feel free to drop in and participate.
7 Aug 2020
- Renegade Wing welcomes Captain Mitch A."Rev" Ri'chard into the billet of Buccaneer Seven. Rev has had a distinguished career with Red and Blue Squadrons but with the post Endor fallout and the consolidation of the 2nd Fleet HQ has transferred Captain Ri'chard to where his skills will be best used in the coming battles against the failing
- Orders
5 Aug 2020
- Update to Support Squadron Roster.
- Update to available craft for all Squadrons.
- Update to the Wing CO's Bio.
- General houskeeping.
4 Aug 2020
- Biography added to Lt Myke 'Wolf' Krenn's entry on the Corsair Roster.
- An update to an old institution, The Liberty Lounge chat will now be hosted on Discord every Saturday at 6pm Eastern.
- Updated all Squadron recruiting contacts to Discord file drops.
Attention to Award
Renegade Wing Commander Colonel Vince Rambo has awarded the Order of Merit to Lieutenant Colonel Chris 'Jalb_k' Reynolds for professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while serving as squadron commander, Rogue Squadron, CRS Vigilant, during the recent revitalization and replenishment exercise. His tireless efforts at bringing the Vigilant Task Force in general and Renegade Wing in particular up to date reflect on the highest traditions of the Rebel Alliance.
- There are multiple reasons for Star Wars: Squadron's cheaper than usual price tag, but the most significant reason is that the game is not trying to be what it's not; SWS is a multiplayer starfighter experience first and foremost. While there is talk about what might come later, SWS's creators are adamant of getting what they're putting out right. Sure, there will be a singleplayer campaign, but ultimately it's about getting in a dogfight and taking on some capital ships. For a more in depth report speaking with SWS's creative director Ian Fraizer,check out this article.
3 Aug 2020
- Intelligence reports hint that a new 'The Mandalorian' Season 2 trailer will be dropping this month. Stay tuned for updates.
- Alliance Transfer request application process posted on the Wing Admin Board. Link also available from above and the Recruiting Center!
2 Aug 2020
- From OC Buccaneer Squadron Lt Col Michael "Mighty" Tolle:
Attention all pilots, support staff and otherwise present civilians! In recognition of recent contributions and in aiding in the resurgence of the Wing, the command staff is recognizing Andy "Bulldog" Clark with the squadron participation citation. We look forward to your ongoing contributions and more importantly, picking up of bar tabs. And to that point, the next round is on him! Cheers!
1 Aug 2020
- We're all hoping that SWS will be as great or better than the X-Wing series that we all know and love but though it will be releasing on next gen consoles, the game itself won't be adapted and optimized, instead relying on backwards compatibility to function on the PS5 and Xbos Series X. More information in this article.
30 Jul 2020
- With Star Wars Squadrons comes a new class a flyable class, the support class, including the U-Wing and the TIE Reaper. How will these ships fly? What are their utilities and are they actually any good? Reports say that they are a must have for any squadron, and they will play a crucial part in SWS battles. Eckhartsladder goes into depth in this video.
- New unit patch for Corsair Squadron uploaded.
29 Jul 2020
- Ship customization will be an important feature in Star Wars: Squadrons; there will be over sixty options to choose from, allowing pilots to spec their ships into their favored role. Will it be possible to get a Y-Wing to manuever like an A-Wing? Probably not, but it will be fun to play around with the many options. The posibilities are almost limitless. Bombastic goes through each component in this youtube video.
- Renegade Wing welcomes Captain Roy 'Lock' Callahan! Lock has transfered from Red Squadron as Corsair Six and Fleet Liason for the reberthing of the surviving heroes of Red Squadron within the Squadrons of Renegade Wing. Red took the brunt of the Battle of Endor and without the stalwart resolution of their pilots the Alliance would likely be mourning a loss rather than celebrating, what appears to be, the beginning of the end for The Empire.
28 Jul 2020
- Capital ships will be an important part of battles; rather than being static objectives that attack only when provoked, they will press the attack depending on the state of the morale bar. Corvettes will also spawn in to help starfighters, tanking hits from frigates and capital ships as well as providing support against fighters--but be careful, the loss of your corvette can have catastrophic results on the battlefield! Eckhartsladder explains in more detail.
- Updates to Squadron Rosters are ongoing but lower decks are abuzz with scuttlebut from Fleet in regards to pending transfers!
27 Jul 2020
- Pre Order bonus content for Star Wars: Squadrons has been announced. As for now, it looks like pre-order bonuses consist of skins for your pilot and decals for your TIE and X-Wing starfighter. More info inside this article, as well as information on a discount for EA and Origin Access members.
- Orders:Kid, Rogue Six has been assigned TacOps Editor Role. Please direct any Tactical Operations submissions to Kid through the Wing Discord
- Orders:Bulldog, Buccaneer Six has been assigned Lore Master. This position is, by default, also Editor-In-Chief so all POV or Tales to be submitted to Bulldog, once again through the Wing Discord
- Updates to Squadron Rosters are ongoing.
22 Jul 2020
- New E-Book available in the Library. All the Lounge Tales in one place for your offline reading requirements. Working on the longer serialized stories and will post them as individual e-books when formatted.
21 Jul 2020
- 3 brand new Lounge Tales from 9-LOM Syntax! All available in the Liberty Lounge
- Formatting of the Lounge is complete. All original content as well as Syntax's new Tales are once again available for your reading pleasure.
20 Jul 2020
- Star Wars: Squadrons is the X-wing vs TIE fighter Sequel You're Looking For: A great writeup over at Ausgamers.
- 9-LOM 'Syntax' Corsair Lead has an updated bio. Go check it out on the Corsair Roster Page.
- Updated Bulldog's assignment from Recon/Interception to Heavy Assault in-line with his transfer to Buccaneer Squadron.
17 Jul 2020
- 9-LOM 'Syntax' Corsair Lead has been awarded the Bronze Gilt Border to it's (we still don't know what 'gender' our bot identifies with) Elite Service Ribbon with Platinum Device;
Gilt Borders are added to Service Ribbons and awarded to pilots who achieve the following criteria: Bronze - 80% of the Balance of Power Rebel combat missions with at least good performances. No missions may be lower than fair performance.
- Orders: Fleet Command to Renegade Wing. Approval granted for transfer of Andrew 'Bulldog' Clark to vacant billet of Buccaneer Six.
Transfer is to be effected immediately. Corsair CO Reccomendation follows:
Re: Transfer of Andy Clark to Buccaneer Squadron
2nd Lieutenant Andy Clark has demonstrated a strong committment to Renegade Wing ideals as of late, having spearheaded a large-scale Endor POV project as well as engaging in numerous discussions regarding the future of the Wing and its organization, both internally and as part of the larger Alliance as a whole. His dedication to the improvement of the Wing comes in tandem with his dedication to improve himself as a pilot as well. It is with these factors in mind that I can only give my highest recommendation in his transfer to Buccaneer Squadron, effective immediately. LtCol 9-LOM
- Orders: Fleet Command to Renegade Wing. Per request 336-2-6 COL Reynolds; Approval granted for promotion of Andrew 'Bulldog' Clark to 1st Lieutenant. Promotion effective immediately with all rights and privileges of new rank herewith.
16 Jul 2020
- Update to Roster! Rogue Squadron welcomes Bill 'Jedi' Morrison back from RWSS. Jedi has stepped back into Combat Operations and brings a wealth of experience (and possibly some Bothan connections). Back on the board as Rogue Two and filling Wing XO.
- With the return of Jedi, Matthew 'Krayt' Houseman has been able to reduce his headwear by one and will be able to focus soley on Rogue Squadron as it's dedicated XO.
- Format of the site has been mostly standardized. TacOps for all but the X-Wing and Tie Fighter editions are available.
- NEW TACOP Andrew 'Bulldog' Clark, currently Corsair Six, has submitted the Wing's first TacOp for over a decade! Head over to the XvT Tactical Operations database and try Bulldog's tactics for taking that Top Performance on Space Bombs.
- A rather more suitable header has been applied to the Recruiting pages
7 Jul 2020
- Apparently there's a new Space Sim on the way, time to sort this place out.
- Fixed formatting and links for Recruiting and all four Squadron Rosters.
- TacOps Databases are next to go. We'll be starting with Classic X-Wing then XvT and XWA, by which time we'll probably have training ops packages for Star Wars Squadrons available.
1 Nov 2014
- Been a long time in Space Dock! Final refit and Space Trials
- X-Wing and Tie Fighter have been rereleased for digital
download, go to Good Old Games
and get your DRM Free copies now! Then get back here and check
out the Tactical Operations section
to fight your way to Top Ace!
26 Oct 2009
- Woah! 6 Years! Really? You guys left me in carbonite for 6 Years!! Take a look at this place, the wiring's fried, half the relays are out and I don't know how we'll get the hyperdrive online... Boy, we've got some work ahead of us.
20 Apr 2003
- Tactical Operations.
The Vigilant's TacOps Database is finally back online. This also marks the start
of some increased activity aboard The Vigilant as the crew gears up
for action in the form of Star Wars Galaxies. Watch this space.
20 Oct 2002
- Domain Name Change - Due to a minor communications
glitch our domain name was undirected after the rent fell due ;) Anyway,
we're back thanks to Bill 'Owtlaw' Bradley and the Staff down at the ever
friendly Mos Eisley Cantina. A big
thank you to Blue Horizon Enterprises...
SWG News - Space Expansion - The much-anticipated first add-on
for the
Star Wars
Galaxies series will introduce personal starships and starfighters,
which can be used for interplanetary travel or space combat. The expansion
also promises additional worlds, playable species, non-player characters,
new creatures, and more!
?The staggered release schedule of the space component of the
Wars Galaxies series will benefit players because they will have time
to establish their characters and explore different elements of the core
game before we add the space layer,? says Rich Vogel, director of development
at Sony Online Entertainment?s Austin studio. ?Once the space component
becomes available, players who have been with us since the beginning will
be ready to buy their own starships and launch into this new arena.?
12 May 2002
- They say change is as good as a holiday... changed
the view from the main portholes. General housekeeping.
24 Feb 2002
23 Feb 2002
- Communications re-established. A covert Imperial attack
on our hosts server forced the shutdown of FTP services. This has been
rectified and normal operations will now resume.
- Site maintainance: Links from Squadrons to Halls of Honour fixed,
Task Force pages updated, Contact e-mail changed for Rogue and Corsair
30 Jan 2002
- Michael 'Mighty' Tolle has transferred at own request.
Captain Tolle has moved from Rogue Squadron to his original billet with
Buccaneer, now with the added responsibility
of Executive Officer. Although newly promoted, the Wing CO has ratified
Mighty's further promotion to the rank of Major.
- LT COL Marc 'Prowler' Desrosiers has taken on the added appointment
of Tactical Operations Database Management,
so all you hotshots with the 'only way' to fly that mission, make sure
you send a copy of your flight
log over and get yourself some recognition.
28 Jan 2002
- After heavy losses
Battle of Endor High Command
has been forced to make changes within the leadership of Renegade Wing,
in particular the CO positions of Renegade Wing, Rogue & Buccaneer Squadrons
In accordance with the wishes of High Command, newly promoted Colonel
Chris 'Jalb_k' Reynolds has accepted Command of Renegade Wing. He has
transferred from his position as Corsair CO and now occupies the Rogue
CO position.
Newly promoted LT Colonel Matt 'Krayt' Houseman has moved into the
position Renegade Wing XO, and continues to hold the position of Rogue
Replacing Col. Reynolds as Commander of Corsair Squadron, newly promoted
LT Col 9LOM 'Syntax' has assumed command of Corsair.
Major Desrosiers has performed exemplary as CO of Buccaneer Squadron,
and will continue to do so, now as LT Colonel Marc ?Prowler? Desrosiers.
While not assuming an official command position at this time, the long
time commitment to Renegade Wing and exemplary performance has earned
1st LT Michael 'Mighty' Tolle a promotion to Captain.
24 Jan 2002
- R2-I3 - Icarus is the latest addition to the
Droid Pool. Icarus comes to us fresh
from the Vigilant's tech bay with a certified 100% serviceable
and virus free clean bill of health. Our thanks once again to
Jasted,RogueFive, for his rendering
and bio outline.
- Absolute positioning added to main frames to alleviate image duplication
in high resolution viewing. This will be added to the rest of the site
as time permits.
22 Jan 2002
- Got a view you'd like to see from the Vigilant's ports?
Think you've got a graphic that would look good? Just mail the
Webmaster and we'll set
the co-ordinates to swing by your view.
20 Jan 2002
- CRS Vigilant goes live.
- Medium and Heavy Starship and Platform Blindspot Guides
for XWA added to the Intel section.
- 12 new TIE Fighter Combat Chamber TacOp briefings added
to the TacOps Database courtesy of Syntax,
Rogue Four.
- Strike Force Battle Ribbon image added to the Coduct
and Commendations section of the Medals
and Awards pages.
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