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Major Ithaas Zeq'aal

Currently assigned to Vigilant Task Force.
Attached to Mon Calamari Cruiser, Vigilant.

Position Head of Psychological Services
Technical Specialty Personnel Resources
Secondary Specialty Prose
Side Arm Stylus and Clipboard
Favorite Beverage Dry Red Wine
Physical Description Bothan female, creamy coloration, brown eyes; 47 standard years old; height 1.45 m, weight 58 kg


Dr. Ithaas Zeq'aal is something of an oddity among Bothans, as she craves neither the need for subterfuge or intrigue that often calls to their species. Her nature was that of a kind, nurturing sort that led to her being ostracised by peers when she would not play the same mind games that they did. Instead, she sought to find ways to help, volunteering around her town whenever possible, and studying whenever no volunteer work was needed.

Graduating at the top of her classes in both university as well as graduate school, she earned her psychology doctorate in record time due to her laser-like focus. She immediately went right back into her program and picked up three different specializations: Clinical Neuropsychology, Counselling Psychology, and Cognitive Behavioral Psychology.

She also earned enough credits to have a minor degree in Forensic Psychology, but this was a practical decision once she'd settled on her career of choice and felt it would be necessary to testify more than once in front of a disciplinary board. Her prescience was well-founded, as she went to bat more than once for soldiers that had been pushed too far by demanding commanders in a grueling war and snapped.

Her constant writing of clinical thoughts and treatments can sometimes make anybody go mad. In her very limited free time, she has been known to write prose of all sorts. Her work circulates throughout the ship from time to time, but she always releases her work under different aliases and pen names- to avoid hurting any feelings and maintain current HI2AD (Health Information Anonymity Alliance Directives) regulations if by some chance one of her characters is inspired by one of the active crew. Nothing has been confirmed, but there is a suspicion some of her deceased patients are the subjects of some of these stories.

Onboard the Vigilant she breathes a wind of rejuvenation into burnt out sailors and pilots with ease, and also knows when to order somebody be grounded so they can stave off the more serious disorders that can come about from constant strain and stress. The common saying onboard the ship is: If you don't know Zeq'aal then you're not working hard enough at all.