Tactical Operations Briefing: Rebel
XvT, Single Player Exercise: Heavy Rockets
Skill Level: Hard
Duty Roster: Slot 1, X-wing Rogue
Ship: X-wing
# Craft: 6
# Waves:1
Armament: Heavy Rockets (4)
Countermeasures: none
A warning, this is a long involved briefing aimed at getting the
maximum score and kills, and the mission will take quite a while
to fly using this method.
The critical elements on this mission are T/A Eta (3 ships) and
GUN Tau (4 ships). As the arrival of Tau is dependant on the FRG
Pelorus being attacked, the first thing to do is order all wingmen
to wait. Then you must eliminate T/A Eta. My prefered method to
dumbfire a rocket at Eta 2, then lock rockets on 1 and three, but
however you do it, this is a priority.
When T/A Eta is destroyed, order your wingmen to attack the probe,
ordering them to wait immediately afterwards. This will prevent
the Pelorus from using missiles on them, as they will not be targeting
If you have not spent too much time on T/A Eta, Transport Mule
is still available to be killed, but it finishes docking with the
Container fairly fast and runs for the Pelorus. A point to consider
at this time is X-wing group Gold. Gold will attack Container groups
Pi and Chi before engaging any fighters, and will leave as soon
as they lose a ship. They will not respond to any orders you give
them, other than perhaps "Report", and I have seen one ram one of
the Containers. I believe that if you destroy CON's Pi and Chi quickly
enough, Gold may stay and help with Imperial fighters. Do not attack
Container group Xi, as the VSD Malicious will arrive when three
of CON Xi has been destroyed.
Target the probe as a reference point, and fly about 6 km away
from it, and then ferry all your wingmen to the same area by jumping
to them, immediately ordering the ship you jumped from to wait.
This will remove all your ships from possible attack from the Pelorus.
Once this is done, ferry all but one X-wing (I usually leave #2)
out about 26 km from the probe, perhaps even a little further, using
the same method as previously. At this distance, they will not be
selected as random targets by any fighter groups that arrive later,
excepting a couple of groups that I have found, namely, GUN Tau
and a second group T/A Eta that arrives much later.
Having done this, jump to the X-wing you left at 6 km. The Pelorus
has a limited supply of missiles, now would be a good time to deplete
that supply by targeting the FRG and then shooting the missiles,
until it runs out. Once this is done, attack the Pelorus by hitting
it either with lasers, (my prefered method, so as to save rockets,
since rockets do only 14% damage to the shields, about the same
as 14 quad laser hits) or with a Rocket (if it is out of missiles,
otherwise it will just shoot it down).
This will trigger the arrival of GUN Tau, as noted earlier. GUN
Tau will target X/W Gold if present, then some will target what
ever ship you are in with the balance targeting your wingmen (which
surprised me as my wingmen were outside detection range.)
Destroy the one(s) targeting you as quickly as possible, then use
what ever method you prefer to catch up to the other Gunboats, they
will ignore you until you shoot them. Once they are destroyed, it
is finally time to concentrate on the Pelorus, the actuall reason
for the mission in the first place.
What I did was to ferry the X-wing I was in (now depleted of rockets)
out to the staging area, jump to a new fighter (ordering the one
I just left to wait) and ordered the next ship in line from the
one I was in now to go ahead with it's mission, which was still
to attack the probe. These two ships still had a full load of rockets.
I followed in formation, until we were once again about 6 km from
the FRG. (If you have depleted it's supply you might go closer.)
Jump to your next X-wing, (it should be the one you were flying
in formation with at this point) order the one you just left to
wait. Fly the one you are in to a point about 4 km ABOVE the area
the FRG is circling about, make sure that it will be out of range
of the FRG. This ship will be the ship that kills the FRG later.
For now, jump through your wingmen till you get back to the one
sitting about 6 km away (make sure to order the ones you jumped
from to wait again, or the Pelorus will blast it!)
At this point, begin your attack on the Pelorus by making repeted
laser attack runs at it, make sure you aim off to one side and jink
till you are within range, and fire one or two quad shots at it.
Retreat and recharge, go back again. Keep this up till the shields
are very low, but not gone. (My goal was 1% remaining) The Pelorus
will hyper out upon losing it's shields, it is critical you do not
do this, as you will have to hustle to kill it otherwise.
With it's shields at 1%, and it's missiles by now gone, move out
and up somewhat to about 6 km, turn and get missile lock on to the
Pelorus, and accelerate to attack speed, dual firing all 4 rockets
at about 5 km. Immediately jump to the next ship, the one at about
4 km verticle from the Pelorus, order your previous ship to wait
(see a pattern here yet?) and then lock on the Pelorus with 1 rocket,
and fire. All 5 rockets should arrive close together, destroying
the FRG before it has a chance to enter hyperspace, unless it happens
to be sitting right on top of it's hyperspace point. Take a moment
to enjoy the explosions, then it's back to work.
At this point, the mission will be successfuly completed once all
remaining containers have been destroyed. However, if you want to
try for Top Performance, you must stay and fight Imperial reinforcements
until you have at least 50,000 points. If this is your goal, ferry
the rocketless X-wing out to the staging area before attacking CON
When 3 of CON Xi are destroyed, VSD Malicious will arrive. T/F
Alpha (4 ships) will launch about 20 seconds after the Malicious
arrives, followed about 50 seconds later by T/F Beta (4 ships).
My advice is to run, turning every so often to destroy a ship from
group Alpha. Destroying 50% of Beta will trigger the arrival of
T/F Delta (4 ships), and 75% triggers the arrival of T/A Zeta (4
ships). Try to be further than 20 km from the Malacious before you
do this. Once Alpha and Beta have been destroyed, go back towards
the Malicious, slowing when you are about 19 km from the circling
Delta and Zeta.
When Zeta is closest, get to about 17.5 km, this seems to be the
sensor range for attack. when they are targeted on you, reverse
course before Delta sees you. after getting somewhat further out,
wait for Zeta to close to about 5 km, dumb fire a rocket at the
closest one, then halt. Wait for the rocket to hit or miss, then
run again. with an ELS of 0/50, you can out run these bozos all
day, and still maintain shields.
Destruction of 50% of Zeta will trigger the arrival of a second
T/A Eta(4 ships this time) who may target your wing men in the staging
area, be sure to check on this. If they have done so, just hyper
out the ship you are in. You will be put in an X-wing in the staging
area, jump to a ship that has Rockets and has not been targeted
by Eta. Fly to Zeta in this ship, they will ignore you if you are
in a ship not targeted by them. Rocket them to dust.
Delta probably has you targeted, fine. Run away as far as you can
spare the time for, I went about 100 km away from the VSD. Circle
back in a long arc, being sure to stay out of laser range. Once
you are headed back towards the combat area, make sure you are more
than say 3 km ahead of Delta, and jump to the next ship. Do NOT
order this ship to wait, Delta will follow it and since it is targeted
on the probe still, you can just ignore the bunch. The Malicious
will hyper if Delta is destroyed, so this buys you time to deal
with it.
Take an X-wing forward of the Malicious, make repeted laser runs
on the bow till the shields are down to about 1% or 2%. If you still
have rockets, now is the time to use them, 5 will kill it, otherwise
order wingmen to attack the VSD. When the shields drop, it will
attempt to run for it's hyperspace point. If you had rockets left,
it's a dead duck, otherwise it depends on how fast you can whittle
it down to size. Once it's destroyed, run out toward Delta, they
will ignore you until you fire on them, as they are still targeted
on the fighter you left them following. Once they are destroyed,
kill the probe and go home. Enjoy your well deserved Top Performance!
Author: Vince Rambo (Stryker - Rogue 1)
Strategy: Vince Rambo