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XvT - Rebel: Single Player Exercises

Gunnery Training v1
Gunnery Training v2
Proton Torpedoes
Heavy Rockets
Defend the Calamari Cruiser Liberty
Rebel Capture of Corvette Near ISD
Rebel Capture of Corvette Near ISD V2
Custom Dogfight
Disabling Training
Corvette Alley
Corvette Alley V2
Protect Escaping Rebel Frigate
Protect Escaping Rebel Frigate V2

XvT - Imperial: Single Player Exercises

Space Bombs
Gunnery Training
Custom Dogfight
Heavy Rockets

XvT - Rebel: Multiplayer Exercises

Space Bombs
Space Bombs 2
Defend the Calamari Cruiser Liberty

XvT - Rebel: Single Player Combat Engagements

Attack on Imperial Factory Drekker
Attack on Tortali Platform
Ambush Arm Smugglers near Yth'aac Cluster
Ambush Arm Smugglers near Yth'aac Cluster V2
Interdiction of Starfighter Deployment
Attack on Rebel Convoy near Agetha
Attack on Rebel Convoy near Agetha V2
Attack on Rebel Convoy near Agetha V3
Rescue from Imperial Prison Ship Dargon
Hit and Fade on Elliirad Platform
Dreadnaught Warlover Attacks Rebel Cargo Operation
Dreadnaught Warlover Attacks Rebel Cargo Operation V2
Raid on Rebel Factory Koensayr 42
Raid Imperial Convoy near Atterol
Frigate Duel - Malevolent vs. Endeavor
Attack on Victory-Class Star Destroyer Formidable - Medium
Attack on Victory-Class Star Destroyer Formidable - Hard
Attack on Victory-Class Star Destroyer Formidable - Hard V2
Attack on Victory-Class Star Destroyer Formidable - Hard V3

XvT - Imperial: Single Player Combat Engagements

Frigate Duel - Malevolent vs. Endeavor

XvT - Additional Ship Information

RU and SBD strength vs weapon damage
Starfighter Loadout Data

XvT - Basic Tactics

Beam Weapons

XvT - Advanced Tactics

Introduction to Jedi Master 101