Tactical Operations Briefing: Rebel
XvT Combat Engagement:Attack on Rebel Convoy near Athega
Skill Level: Hard
Duty Roster: Slot 3, A-Wing Gold
Craft: X-Wing
#Craft: 1
#Waves: 3
Armament: Concussion Missiles (8)
Countermeasure: None
The objective of this mission is to see Corellian Corvette group
Athega (11 ships) safely into hyperspace. For the objective to be
accomplished, 50% of the convoy must complete their mission of entering
The initial threat to the convoy comes from the Assault Gunboats
in flight group Tau. Tau consists of four GUNs--with three waves
which launch separately. The primary threat to the player comes
form TIE Advanced Alpha (two ships), which comes in three separate
waves. To defeat the primary attack force, you will need to attack
the GUNs rigorously. One the first pass fire at least one missile
at each of the GUNs--this should at least make them break formation
and give you time to start whittling down their numbers.
Concentrate on the gunboats until you?ve depleted all of their
craft. Ignore the Alpha group if they attack you, once you?ve been
destroyed they will move on to attack another Rebel fighter--but
this will allow you to peruse the GUNs. Try to keep the GUNs as
far from the CRVs as possible, remember, torpedo range is 6km--you
will also want to destroy any torpedoes that they launch. Once the
GUNs have been destroyed, the T/As will turn tail and attack the
CRVs--making the T/As an easy target. Take out all of the TIE Advanced
for more points--they do not present a genuine threat to the remaining
CRVs unless they?ve already sustained damage from torpedoes.
When all T/As and GUNs have been destroyed, the Victory Star Destroyer
Aggressor will come out of hyperspace and launch TIEs. TIE Bomber
group Delta is launched to further attack the CRVs, while TIE Interceptor
Beta is launched to attack Rebel fighters. During the same few moments
the CRS Defiance will come out of hyperspace and launch X-Wing Green.
Green will then proceed to engage the VSD--which runs when it?s
hull is at 75%. The CRVs should be reaching their hyperspace point
by this time and your mission will be completed. If you wish to
obtain a Top Performance you must stick around and battle the VSD
and it?s fighters. There are four waves of three ships in both T/I
Beta and T/B Delta--if you need extra help, fire a burst at the
Defiance and four Z-95s from Blue will be launched.
Author: Tony Marco ( Kid - Rogue 6 )
Strategy: Tony Marco ( Kid - Rogue 6 )